Food challenge contest week #149 ||Delicious Carrot Halwa Made With Milk

@arjinarahman ©
#Bangladesh 🇧🇩


As-salamu Alaikum.
Hello Steemians! Hope you all are doing well. Today, I am participating in an amazing contest in the "Steem Kids & Parents" community, organized by @steemkidss .
Here is: Contest Link .
Let’s get started!

Delicious Carrot Halwa Made With Milk

Designed with Canva Pro

Final Result

Ingredients for My Recipe
Ingredients NameAmount
Milk500 gm
Carrot2 medium Sized , Chopped
SaltAdjust to Taste
SugarAs Needed
Bay leaf1 piece
Cloves3 pieces
Cinnamon2 small Slice


I am going to share a delicious carrot halwa recipe made with milk. So, let’s see how I prepared this recipe.

🥕 Step I

First, I took two small-sized carrots, washed them thoroughly with clean water, and then grated them finely using a grater.

🥕 Step II

Now, I took 500 grams of milk and heated it in a pot. Once the milk was heated, I set it aside in a separate container. Then, I gathered all the other necessary ingredients.

🥕 Step III

Next, I placed a pan on the stove. Once the pan was heated, I poured the milk into it. After boiling it a little, I added the required spices. The spices included one bay leaf, two small cinnamon slices, three cloves, and a small amount of salt for taste.

🥕 Step IV

Added all ingredients

I added all the ingredients to the hot milk and stirred them well using a spoon. Then, I continued boiling the milk for a while. When a nice aroma started coming from the milk, I added the next ingredient.

🥕 Step V

I had already washed the grated carrots with clean water and kept them in a container. Now, I added them to the hot milk. This helped the milk and carrots mix well together. Then, I covered the pot with a lid.

🥕 Step VI

After boiling for a while, I removed the lid to check if the carrots were cooked properly. When the carrots were almost cooked, I added sugar according to taste. I adjusted the sugar based on my preference, but you can add more or less as per your taste. However, for children or elderly people, it is better to keep the sweetness mild.

🥕 Step VII

It's Ready

I continued boiling for some more time. When the milk thickened properly, I tasted it to check the sweetness. Once the sweetness was perfect, I turned off the stove. The delicious milk-based carrot halwa was ready.

🥕 Step VIII

using tag
Selfie with my creation

Now, I captured photos of my recipe with proper tags. Then, I took a selfie with this delicious recipe.

We all know that carrots are very beneficial for our health. This carrot halwa is highly nutritious. We can use it as a dessert, or include it in our breakfast or snack items. I made this recipe for my husband, and he loved it! He was very happy after tasting it. This dish is perfect for both elderly people and small children, as it is both nutritious and delicious. I enjoyed eating it, and my husband liked this item too.

Image Information
Device Nameinfinix
Captured by@arjinarahman
Recipe by@arjinarahman

I invite the following users for the contest

 2 months ago 

La zanahoria aporta muchos beneficios a nuestra salud por lo que es necesario incluir a nuestra dieta.
Y de la forma como la preparaste con leche y agregando las especias debe de quedar muy deliciosas.
Gracias por la invitación


 2 months ago 

Thank you for publishing an article in the Steem Kids & Parent community today. We have assessed your entry and we present the result of our assessment below.

Plagiarism Free
AI Free
Bot Free
Review Date7/02/2024

MODs Comment/Recommendation:
Kind of different from most of the recipes I've seen. I think I should try this in my cuisine to experience the taste of a new recipe. Thanks for sharing and participating in this contest. It's appreciated.

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