"A Child, A Million Smiles"😊: Sustainable Feeding Program For School Children In Nigeria. "Week-6"

in Steem Kids & Parents10 days ago
ma'am ngoenyi with the kids.

Whooo!!!🎉We've reached new heights. We're thrilled to have completed Week 6 of our Sustainable Feeding Program for school children in Nigeria. Our team's dedication and hard work have made this milestone possible.

This week, we visited Green Stars International Schools, located behind Apostolic Church after Ifa Atai Big Junction, Uyo, Akwa Ibom State, Nigeria. This school caters to nursery, primary, and secondary students.

Focusing on the primary section, we successfully executed Week 6 of our outreach program. Here's a detailed report:

When I left my house.
After speaking with the proprietor's PA.

As instructed by Ma'am @ngoenyi, I met with the proprietor of Green Stars International Schools on Monday to confirm our outreach program for Wednesday. I returned on Wednesday morning to reconfirm, but unfortunately, I missed him.

However, I was able to meet with his Personal Assistant (PA), to whom I conveyed our message. He assured me that the students had been informed and were eagerly awaiting our arrival. Hearing about their enthusiasm and motivation was truly uplifting.

After completing my morning workout with StayFit Fitness Club, I returned home by 10:00 a.m. to prepare for our outreach program at Green Stars International Schools.

When we arrived. (@nsijoro, @whizzbro4eva, @bossj23, @whitie)

We arrived promptly at 11:00 a.m., eager to begin. However, the proprietor informed us that the students were in the middle of a test, which would conclude by 12:00 p.m. We were happy to accommodate their schedule, as our goal was to bring smiles to the children's faces.

We agreed to wait until 12:00 p.m. before distributing the week's menu, which was Indomie noodles, as agreed upon with the proprietor. The wait would be worth it to see the children's joyful faces☺️.

Helping the children lineup up in an orderly fashion.

At 12:00 p.m., the children were led out of their classrooms and lined up in an orderly fashion, eager to receive their noodles. We distributed two packets each, and the excitement was overwhelming.

The joy on their faces was priceless. Their smiles lit up the entire atmosphere, making every moment worthwhile. Here are some captivating photos we took during the outreach program:



These heartwarming smiles are a testament to the impact of our Sustainable Feeding Program. We're grateful for the opportunity to make a difference in the lives of these amazing children.

Many people underestimate the profound effect hunger can have on a child's educational journey. A hungry child can quickly become disengaged, leading to poor academic performance and a bleak future.

I've witnessed this firsthand with my younger siblings. On days when they don't eat before school, their teachers often report that they're dull and unresponsive in class. This isn't unique to my siblings, many children face the same struggle.


Our weekly outreach program has been a game-changer. By providing nutritious meals, we're not only filling empty stomachs but also empowering young minds to thrive academically and beyond.

Estimated number of pupils/studentsPupils reachedTo be reached next week

According to the school principal, the primary and secondary sections have a combined population of 300 students. This week, we successfully covered 150 pupils in the primary section.

Next week, we'll complete the remaining 150 students in the secondary section. What makes this project even more enjoyable is the enthusiasm and playful drama from the children.

Catch a glimpse of our Week 6 execution in the video below:

I'm committed to supporting this project for life. Seeing children smile and knowing they feel loved and cared for fills my heart with joy. I'm grateful to @steemkidss and @worldsmile for their unwavering support since week one. Together, let's keep spreading smiles😊. This is my report.....✍🏾

NOTE: All pictures/video in this publication were captured using Redmi not14


 10 days ago 

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MODs Comment/Recommendation:
Very nicely reviewed and seeing your care and love for the school kids. So glad you love and care for the kids like this. Good luck to you

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