RE: INTRODUCTION TO PHYSICS BY |@gentlesun|10 % to support steemkids community
Physics is pure science that deals with the study of matter, energy, its conversion and the relationship between matter and other physical properties.
There are two concepts in physics namely: the theoretical and the experimental concept
Experimental physics deals with the physical researches, analysis and observations carried out on physical properties that explain their nature. The experimental concept of physics tends to explain the behaviour of properties in our daily life.
The theoretical concept of physics deals with the results from the experiments that were carried out. It explains the behaviour of all properties. The theoretical concept is important to guide and educate others on the behaviour of physical properties.
3. With the knowledge of physics, a physicist can function as a physics teacher in schools.
Also, he can work in companies that deal with metals as a metallurgist.
A physicist can also work as a geophysicist.
This is brilliant but your answer came in late.
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