How to Convert TRX to STEEM
I think it would be great if TRX <-> STEEM exchange is built into Steemit Wallet. But that is not that case right now so I have to manually swap tokens. is a pretty good tool. I use it for many token exchanges because I can just use it without sign (NO KYC) and the design is very simple unlike other crypto exchanges so no learning curve.
Go to and select tokens you like to swap.
In this case, I pick TRON(TRX) to Steem(STEEM) and enter your Steemit username
Click "EXCHANGE" will show you this TRX address so send your TRX from Steemit Wallet to this address.
Go to your wallet page and click "Transfer"
This is TRX transfer to you need to switch account to TRON account, and then put the amount you want to trade, and go to "Next"
Again, this is a TRON transfer so you will need to use your TRON Private Key for this and click "Transfer".
You will see this pop up message when the transaction is completed.
That is it. Exchange takes some time. It took me about 10 minutes this time, but it could take longer (or shorter) sometimes.
Once exchange is done, the exchange page will be updated like this
And you will receive STEEM in your wallet :)
This is very useful information.
Thank you
Glad you liked :)
This is fantastic. Thank you so much!!
@tomoyan this is actually a very important information you've sheared really appreciate thanks much will definitely try it out.
Hola amigo @tomoyan una pregunta : ¿las claves de la billetera TRON si se pierden no hay manera de recuperarlas?
Hola @mariela53
I think if you lost your key, it is all gone. But you can create a new account in your wallet page.
pero pierdo los TRON que he acumulado alli?
If you lost your key, you lost everything.
Gracias amigo @tomoyan por la información, tenia una esperanza de no perder los Tron, me dan ganas de llorar.
If you lost your key, you should create a new account right away.
Otherwise your rewards goes to the wallet you don't have access to.
At least, new rewards go to your new account if you make it...
hola amigo @tomoyan solicite la nueva billetera y no puedo obtener la nueva billetera
me sale esa informacion y no baja ningun archivo pdf. que puedo hacer en ese caso, ayudeme por favor
I haven't done it so I don't know for sure. But maybe you can download tron wallet and link that wallet to steemit?

These people might be able to help you too.