in Steeming Community4 years ago (edited)


Hello steremains, I am @themmie and I'm participating in the NEW WRITING CHALLENGE which is titled around charities in my local area organised by @steemingcurators.

@adesojisouljay informed me of this contest and I was glad to see that It was translated to my local Yoruba dialect. That was awesome to me seeing how stermut is in support of my local language.

I hope my entry is helpful as I put in my very best to give my real life experience with charities in my local area.

In answering the questions tied to this challenge, please read on with me;

What are your local charities?
We have so many local charities in my area among which is Stella Obasanjo motherless babies home, Little Saints motherless babies home which is located around oju ore in ogun state as well as Ijamido orphanage home located in ilo awela road, ota ogun state etc

Have you ever been a volunteer?
Yes I have been a volunteer and that was during my birthday two years ago in the year 2018 and am still looking forward to going there to celebrate with them over and over again.

Should everyone donate to a charity?
Yes I think everyone should donate to a charity cos firstly these children needs people's support since our government cannot do it alone and cannot provide all their needs, also, since there's a limit to what they can do for themselves due to their conditions( the orphans) so I think we should support them in whatever way we can so that they also can feel among and be happy.

Most selfless story you have ever heard or personal experience.
I think the most selfless personal experience I had was when I paid a visit to the ijamido orphanage home in year 2018, that was my first time visiting such place. It happened dat I was still having my national youth service corps ( NYSC), meanwhile due to the fact that my school delayed me for 2 years after graduating without any tangible reason then I made a vow to God dat if He can make my service possible that year that I will celebrate my birthday that year with the orphans with the whole of my allowance for the month, God did it I was able to serve and when my birthday came, I decided not to touch my allowance even though I had many things to do with money, I still had to beg my parents to help me add to the money because it was not even enough and thank God they did.





In fact I didn't have a new cloth to wear that day, i used one of my old cloths. So I just took the whole money, went to the market and bought some foodstuffs, provisions and drinks and also made my birthday cake which I took there and left everything for the kids. At the end of the day I was very happy and I felt so fulfilled that I was able to fulfil my vow to God.

What means being selfless to you?
Selfless means when you have or , exhibit no concern for yourself but for others, when you place or put other people's concern above your own not minding what you are passing through at that point in time.

What will or can you do to help charities in your community?
What I can do to help charities in my area is what I have started already and I believe it wont stop for life, that is paying them a visit atleast once or twice in a year,spending nice time with them by playing with them, making them feel among and making them realise that we are all the same. To give them the feelings that they are also human beings like us. BUying them foodstuffs, provisions, toiletries and every other things That will make them look good and healthy and also having them in mind by not forgetting them and catering for them as well.

In summary, feeling the empty gap of a parent figure in their lives.


Thanks for reading.


helpful thoughts


Thanks for engaging in the NEW WRITING CHALLENGE.

Thanks for using the image.