in Steeming Community4 years ago (edited)

Hello to all steemians. How are you today? I hope your doing great!

This new place I wanna share with you #steemians is one of the most beautiful flower garden here in the Philippines. And I've been there for many times with different companion.


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And to all plantitas & plantitos out there you will really love this marvelous place. Beacuse you will see many kinds of plants and its astonishing colors.

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And they have this kind of plant but I dont know what it is.

They have this long colorful bridge were you can walk and enjoy the scenic view and until you'll reach to the end of the bridge you'll see this colorful step stairs it's so beautiful you will feel calmness and loosen up your stress from your problems.

Colorful Long Bridge
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Colorful Stairs

They also have this kind of perfect view were surrounded by plants and flowers. It's look like rainbow style that have many colors.

This is it!
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Just a little information their entrance fee vary from time to time.
Per adult 75 pesos & 50 for kids, PWD & Senior Citizen. They are open from 7am to 6pm, Mondays to Sundays.

And by the way their exact location of this place at Brgy. Gaas, Balamban, Cebu – few meters away from Adventure Cafe (30-45 min drive from JY square or Marco Polo via the scenic Transcentral highway).

If you wanna know more about this place here's the link for all the information;


Just a reminder to all for safety precaution always wear your facemask and faceshield just to keep ourselves away from the virus and always bring an alcohol with you to sanitize your hands always.

And be responsible laagan all the time.

I set 30% beneficiary to @steemingcuration for the community.

Thank you so much for taking your time and reading my story. Have a nice day and blissful weekend. Keep safe everyone!

Your Travel Girl

 4 years ago 

!zen 30

Helloo, It is Alejandro. I just pass by to tell you that I have curated your post using Steemingcuration account. Keep up with the good work 😊

Notes: none.

 4 years ago 

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