Chill with me #3 Junk food and Healthy food

in Steeming Community4 years ago

Hi guys, how have you all been doing?

Here in Macedonia the weather is rainy and it is 16 o clock so yeah I am kinda getting ready to go eat something. While we are at the topic of eating i have noticed that junk food prices are getting lower and lower but good organic food is getting more and more expensive.

That is why I belive that Health should be everyone's priority but with prices of organic food rising it is very difficult to save our health especially when we are financially unstable and when they poison our food just to make us want to eat more and more and to never stop. And why is this a thing? All for money, people raise animals cramped on a farm feeding them with steroids and gmo food that will make them as big as possible just to be sold for as much as possible. But people still think that the chicken they bought from the store was once free running around eating worms.... I am sorry to say this but if big farms that produce a lot of meat did that they would go out of business. Maybe I am wrong please don't get offended I am just caring about our health as human race.

What I belive we should do if we want to eat healthy is to produce our own food on our own farms or to buy local from a farmer where you can go and see that everything is ok and that the animals and plants are healthy unlike in big farms where they are poisoned.

Please let me know what do you think about this topic in the comments down bellow.

Stay healthy be strong and as always be 101% positive
