in Steem Bangladesh4 years ago

Hi Everyone.

How are you all doing?

I hope that You all are doing well by the grace of ALLAH.

Today, I'm back again among you to share another one of my amazing splinterlands battles. This one is actually more special than any other battles. In this one, I've used all my favorite monsters.


In this post, I'm going to share a ranked battle of SPLINTERLANDS played by me using A Life Summoner and the cards in it. In this match, I've used a special monster which is a neutral monster and can play under any summoner. The name of this monster is Silvershield Bard. This monster is going to be the main topic of this post.

Silvershield Bard

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The Silvershield Bard is a rare life monster. It's a promo card. I use this card costs only 1 mana to use in battle. Which makes it the perfect card to use in lineups. Cause, most of the time it gets tough to manage a perfect lineup with the given amount of mana. But, the Silvershield Bard makes the job easier. And the cleanse ability of this card makes it so much useful in battles. It also gets the swiftness ability in its 5th level. For a card that costs only 1 mana cap to use in battles that has these two special abilities, it makes this card so useful to make your strategy stronger. And this is what makes this card one of the cards that I like.


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Explanation about this card from SPLINTERLANDS.

Bards of the Silver Shield have extremely loud voices, and they are not afraid to use them. In battle, Bard’s song can unify and hasten a team, and their maximum volume has the power to scare away possessing spirits. In the University of Illumination, these musical enthusiasts are trained and ingrained for years in the official sanctioned Lore of the Silver Shield. What they lack in vocal talent, the Bards make up for in storytelling, humor, and wit.

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Before I go to the main topic of my today's content, I'd like to inform you about something amazing. Through this amazing thing is ongoing in this blockchain for more than 2 years maybe and I'm a part of it for 1.5 years. So, it's not something new but I think there's still someone who doesn't know about it or isn't a part of it yet.

This amazing thing is the ongoing contest of splinterlands. By now I guess most of you know what SPLINTERLANDS is. It's an online card game. Though it's not only a game, in here you can earn by playing, trade by buying and selling. You will also get amazing rewards in the daily quests and also in season-ending quests. This is one of the best card games that I've ever played. The fun thing is, there's a lot of cards/monsters to use in battle. And when I say a lot, I mean it. And all of them have their own specialty, separate types of powers and so many types of special abilities. There are even some summoners under those the cards play. These summoners also have their own ability which affects the battlefield. This is really amazing. This gives you the chance to think of hundreds of strategies for your battle. Believe me, once you start playing this game you'll fall in love with it.

All of these are my personal opinion about @splinterlands and their contest. And if you find it interesting, you are welcome to join SPLINTERLANDS. I'm also putting my referral link to make it easy for you to join if you want.

My Referral Link To Splinterlands

And my today's post is to join this week's contest of share your battle arranged by the @splinterlands team. To join this contest you'll need to create a post where you'll need to share a battle of yours which you should play by the rules that are given in the contest. You'll also need to answer some of the questions that @splinterlands asked in the announcement post of the contest. And this week's rule is you'll need to use a Life Monster named The Silvershield Bard in your battle and share it with everyone. After creating your post and posting it on this blockchain, you'll need to share it on any social media and put both your post link and the link from the social media on the comment section of the announcement post of this week's contest. You'll need to follow up on these things to perfectly join this amazing contest. I'm also putting the link to this week's contest below in case you want to join it.

Link To The Contest

Now, it's time to share my battle with you.

My Battle

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My Battle Link

My Lineup:

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In the first position, I've used the CLAY GOLEM because of this card's higher life capacity, strong melee damaging ability, and also the VOID ability. And in the second position, I've used the LUMINOUS EAGLE because of its reachability which allows this card to attack from the second place. It's also the flying ability that makes it perfect to be next to the first monster waiting to be the next monster in first position. And in the 3rd position, I've used the CAVE SLUG because of its OPPORTUNITY ability. This ability helps it to attack the weakest enemy monster from standing in any position. In the 4th position, I've used the FERAL SPIRIT. The SNEAK ability of this card helps it to attack the enemy monsters from behind by standing in any position no matter how far it is from the starting point. And last I've used the theme card of this week's contest. The Silvershield Bard. It also helped by stopping some attacks from the feral spirit of the enemy monster that gave my Feral Spirit some more time.

So, it was all about my lineup

My strategy in this battle was to stop the enemy using my first strong card. And when it will hold the attacks of the opponent's monsters my other monsters will take down the other cards. My strategy worked successfully and I won the match.

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I really hope that you enjoyed reading my post and also enjoyed my battle. And as always it felt good to share my opinion about something with everyone. I'll be back among you all soon with another battle of mine to share it. So, stay tuned guys.
See you again in my next post. Till then stay happy, stay healthy. Take care. Also, stay at home and use a mask whenever you go outside. Because the second wave of covid-19 has started already and it's going to be more dangerous than ever. Good Bye.

Thank you for your precious time to read my post