in Music For Steem 🎵4 years ago

#musicforsteem (2).png


Hi friends & fans! First of all, thank you. Thank you for your support, nice words, heartwarming stories, incredible music, to be here.

Well now we got the sentimental stuff out of the way, let's look at what week 6 has brought us. From this week, the new point system is in place and the bonus for not powering down is active. Artists that are not powering down in the week that they are in the top 10 (11), get 20 bonus points to their overall score. Also, engagement on Steemit is important, and we check the amount of posts, comments and votes.

Community voting will be reworked and will be even more important from the next weeks. We would love that artists support other artists too!

Hola amigos y fans! Primero que nada, gracias. Gracias por su apoyo, buenas palabras, historias conmovedoras, música increíble, para estar aquí.
A partir de esta semana, el nuevo sistema de puntos está en su lugar y la bonificación por no apagarse está activa. Los artistas que no se están apagando en la semana en que están entre los 10 (11) primeros, obtienen 20 puntos de bonificación a su puntaje general. Además, la participación en Steemit es importante, y verificamos la cantidad de publicaciones, comentarios y votos.
La votación comunitaria será reelaborada y será aún más importante a partir de las próximas semanas. ¡Nos encantaría que los artistas también apoyen a otros artistas!

The winners.png


@eugelys, you are a deserved winner! The winner takes it all! Abba, child memories all the way and your voice, incredible. You got extra points for not powering down Steem and your engagement is good!

@eugelys"Solo hay un ganador"


see post...


@dianakyv, we have said it a few times, you are an untouched gem and we are happy you joined us! Keep this spirit and you will be one of the next winners for SURE! Extra points for not powering down, + engagement on Steemit is good! + Community voting winner!

@dianakyv"Me vas a Extrañar"


see post...


You 2, this is an example where the cover is better as the original! If we can do anything to help her to get a Steemit account, let us know! We have you on Discord! Engagement is good + you are not powering down! TOP

@rodolfmandolina & Marysabel"Señora Señora"

Rodolfo & Marysabel, THANK YOU FOR THE MUSIC

see post...


Every week you keep amazing us. I bet this trio is soon the winner of Music For Steem! Thanks for making the performance extra colorful, viva Venezuela! And the maquillaje TOP!

@rypo01 & @dali13 & @elisonr13“Busco mi libertad” (ORIGINAL)

Rosberlly, Dalianys & Elison THANK YOU FOR THE MUSIC


This could be in any broadway movie! Very emotional and you touched us deeply, thank you!



Contest rules.png

  • En su video debe iniciar con la frase musicforsteem semana (numero correspondiente) y nombre de usuario, debe grabarse en vivo.

  • Sube el video a youtube/dtube y publicalo en steemit, duracion minima del video un minuto.

  • El titulo de la publicacion debe ser: MUSICA PARA STEEM SEMANA (numero correspondiente) y titulo de la cancion.

  • Utiliza las etiquetas #musicforsteem y #steemexclusive

  • Comparte en tus redes sociales, utiliza las etiquetas #steemit, #steem y deja tu enlace en los comentarios de tu publicacion. (Opcional)

  • vota y dale reesteem a esta publicación.
  • La entrada debera ser publicada primero en steemit, solo una entrada por participante.

Para conocer mas detalles visita esta publicacion

  • In your video you must start with the phrase musicforsteem week (corresponding number) and username, it must be recorded live.

  • Upload the video to youtube / dtube and post it on steemit. Minimum duration of the video, one minute.

  • The title of the publication should be: MUSIC FOR STEEM WEEK (corresponding number) + title of the song.

  • Share on your social networks and use the #steemit #steem tags and leave your link in the comments of your post. (Optional).

  • Upvote and resteem this publication

  • The entry must be published first on Steemit. Only one entry per participant

More details visit this publication


First place / Primer lugar

We now have 3 artists with a ticket for the grand finale at the end of the year:
Week 1: @juliolunar
Week 2: @futuremind
Week 3: @davidcentenor
Week 4: @danieldedosd2
Week 5: @cmp2020 & @esouthern3
Week 6: @eugelys

Ahora tenemos 3 artistas con un boleto para la gran final a fin de año.
Semana 1: @juliolunar
Semana 2: @futuremind
Semana 3: @davidcentenor
Semana 4: @danieldedosd2
Semana 5: @cmp2020 & @esouthern3
Semana 6: @eugelys

Second place / Segundo lugar

Third place - tercer lugar

Fourth & Fifth place

50% upvote EXTRA @steemcurator02




Delegation links for @Musicforsteem

Enlaces para delegar a @MusicForSteem


After clicking on the link, you must accept the amount of sp, and sign with your active private key and accept it. Remember to leave at least 50SP in your account.

Después de hacer clic en el enlace, deberás aceptar la cantidad de sp, a continuación ingresa tu nombre de usuario de steemit y tu clave activa privada y dale aceptar. Recuerde dejar al menos 50SP en tu cuenta.

Curation trail.png

You can follow our trail here and set your vote in the curation trail category. Help us to curate content that deserves to be recognized and valued by all.

Puedes seguir nuestro trail aquí y configurar tu voto en la categoría curation trail. Ayúdanos a curar contenido que merece ser reconocido y valorado por todos.



Thank you, thank you, thank you, thank you !!! Happy to be in this wonderful election with super talented people, whom I admire and appreciate very much, thank you for this opportunity, congratulations to all, especially my dear and beautiful cousin @mariajruizb ... A hug for everyone!

Hi Diana! Here is the rest of your winning vote! VAMOS

Thank you girl! The pleasure is ours! We hope to see you a lot around here! Your winning vote will be distributed on your next post! GRACIAS CARIÑO

Wow! I have no words to express the joy I feel, I thank you very much for selecting me as a winner within this group of talented artists.
Congratulations to all the winners!
A Big hug! <3

Thanks for singing for us, we are without words to describe the joy we feel to be able to experience this from the first row. Thank you for bringing beautiful sounds to Steemit!
See you next week! Winners' vote will be on your next post!

What a joy to see myself among the 5 best mentions, I appreciate the support of the musicforsteem community and I want to warmly congratulate all the winners and all the participants of week 6, let's go ahead, let's continue working.

What a joy to see you there too! Cant wait for your next songs!! The winning vote is coming on your next music post! Happy to make you happy!

Yes ! You deserved to win. Your entry was uniquely exciting!! I am delighted you won alongside equally good participants!


I was going down in the publication and I really did not know that I would be among the winners of this week, I am very happy about it and with more emotion for the following week, congratulations to all the winners and my colleagues are all extraordinary.

Nice that you where surprised, we weren't when we counted the points :D GREAT JOB! To both of you! See you in week 7! Our vote will be sent on your next post! Thank you

Felicidades a todos los ganadores de esta semana, todos son geniales ahora a prepararse para la semana 7 con entusiasmo.

VAMOS! Gracias señor!

Great work. Winners upvotes now sent.

Thank you

The Steemit Team

Thank you so much! Happy you like it

On behalf of all the participants, I express my gratitude to you, and I congratulate you on such excellent and noble work.

Big Thanks!

Another awesome list of musicians on Steemit - this is growing great as a competition

Keep up the good work :)

Thanks Kiwi! Appreciate your kind words!

We are blessed with this kind of participants, they are incredible

#MusicForSteem WEEK 7

My entry

Felicitaciones a todos los y las ganadoras de esta edición número seis. Enhorabuena como dirían los españoles. Esta vez me voy a adelantar y acá mi participación con hermoso BOLERO del desparecido TITO RODRIGUEZ. Novales la pena. Esperando sea de su agrado se despide su amigo Gabo.


No vale la pena.jpg

Ver el video en YOUtube

Looks good Gabo! Thanks for joining again!

CONGRATULATIONS @eugelys and all other participants.

Special thanks @musicforsteem for keeping us updated with activities and organisation of the competition!!

Thanks for your appreciation!

Congrats to you too! Always good to see other type of songs!

Thanks sir..