Music For Steem Week 11 - "El Farolito" Cover @diegopadilla
Espero estén pasando una semana genial y llena de mucha armonía.
Tenía algo de tiempo alejado del concurso por razones ajenas a mi voluntad; fallas del internet, la pantalla del teléfono rota (lo único que uso para grabar), una caída de la bicicleta que me causo dolencias hasta no hace mucho... Pero luego de todo eso lo importante es siempre seguir motivado a pesar de las adversidades.
I hope you are having a great week full of harmony.
I had been away from the contest for some time for reasons beyond my control; Internet failures, the broken phone screen (the only thing I use to record), a fall from the bicycle that caused me ailments until not long ago ... But after all that the important thing is to always stay motivated despite adversities .
Para esta semana dejando atrás todas esas tribulaciones me dispuse a cantar un tema del grupo Voz Veis "El Farolito", para el cual solicite ayuda de mi hermano Sebastián para que realizara la ejecución del piano. Espero la disfruten.
For this week, leaving all those tribulations behind, I got ready to sing a song by the group Voz Veis "El Farolito", for which I requested the help of my brother Sebastián to perform the piano. I hope you enjoy it.

Oh Diego this was really good! Thanks for joining the contest this week!
It is becoming more and more difficult for me to publish, due to the situation in the country and access to a service as basic as the internet, but that will not stop me, soon I will upload a publication in which I will tell you the journey that I must go through in order to publish any content on the platform.
I am sorry to hear that!
We know about the difficulties in your country and have enormous respect.
Thanks again for bringing artists to the contest Music For Steem!
¡Una de mis canciones favoritas y tú la cantas genial!
Me hubiera que el piano te acompañara más "piano" para poder apreciar más tu voz.
Lamento lo de de tu teléfono :( espero que puedas arreglar esa situación pronto. ¡Saludos!