Betterlife the diary game |20-11-21| by @salmanwains
Hello everyone, I hope you are well. I have started writing diaries after a long time and now I think that I will keep posting diaries from time to time because I am enjoying it and my interaction with people is increasing. I also received many comments on my previous diary and people also gave many prayers which I was very happy to read. Thank you all for your let's start today's diary.
When I was in Pakistan, I used to do everything easily, which means that even if I was late for some work, I could apologize for it, but there is no such thing here, every work is done on its appointed time and the person who does not do this work on time is at a loss. I get up in the morning and go for morning walk after Fajr prayers. There I see a lot of people coming for morning walk and people are exercising. It is important that the people here consider exercise as a part of their daily life and that is why they keep away from diseases.
This is a view of my living room window.

The good news is that these people are very close to nature. After going for a walk in the morning, I go for breakfast. There is also a fixed time which is obligatory for everyone. For breakfast, people usually like to eat salad etc and occasionally drink juice with it. These people do not eat very heavy breakfast. After breakfast I get busy with university classes and so on and so forth and then there is lunch break in between and then we go to lunch.
Similarly, when I come home after class I rest for a while and then sit at the study table. The day goes by like this. The best thing I have done here is punctuality. At night we often go out to eat with friends, we get a little gossip like this and then there is a refreshing time.
This was my all day routine. See you guys in the next post. God bless you all.
Your's sincerely
Moderator of steemit Pakistan
Array waah Bhai waah.. ma Sha Allah... It seems you have managed to survive there without Desi food
Yeah ;)
Seems you are having a great time. Everything is so organized and punctual this will bring a very positive change in your life ahead.
And yes healthy living is very important and yu are on the right track it begins with healthy eating :)
Haha true ;)
There might come time when you’ll start missing Pakistani food too! :D Have a good day!👍🏻
Absolutely right :(
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Good to know you are having a managed routine, When i read that you ate salad and look at the salads😀one thing came to my mind that you surely missed the breakfast served by your mother🥲
Yup :)
I mean salad is a great way of starting the day great source of protein 🤔.
Hahaha yes because it' s better than a heavy breakfast in Pakistan ;)
I hope you are enjoying your good days. I hope for the best.
wow , good to see you sir may god bless you as also.
I hope you are good enjoying day. Such a really great your Diary post. Keep it Up Dear. God bless you.
Regards. @arslanaj
#club5050 😀