The Diary Game || 13-August-2022 || Normal day + Cut bottles for birds || Post by@mahawaheed
Assalamoalaikum to all the members of @steemit-pak
Hope you all are fine and doing good and are spending good and quality time with your family and friends.
Here is @mahawaheed once again with you all to share my Daily Diary.
"Let's start my Diary✍🏻"
When I got up I took ablution and offered my Fajar prayer then I went for walk on the roof. The weather was normal when I came downstairs I fell asleep again. Then I got up again and had breakfast then started doing my pending works.
After that I started cleaning. It was a hot day. Then my mother went to kitchen for making lunch. It was time for Zuhar. I offered Zuhar prayer then went to kitchen for helping my mother. She was making Camel Pulao. She kept the meat of camel every year after EID UL ADHA and cooked it at the end. I cut the salad and put the dishes on table after that we all had lunch. It was very delicious and the meat was very juicy.
Cut bottles for Birds
Then I washed the dishes and cleaned the kitchen. After that I went upstairs the weather was still hot I watered the plants on terrace then I saw that a sparrow was drinking water from the tap. The pot that I kept on the wall of roof had broken few days ago. I went downstairs and took two plastic bottles and cut them from between as they are unbreakable. Then I filled the water in one bottle and wheat to another bottle and put one bottle at the corner of one wall and other bottle at other wall and put small pieces of bricks around them.
It's very good habit of our parents they always put water in pots for birds on the walls.
ارحمو أھل الأرض یرحمکم من فی سمآءِ
"If you show mercy to those who are on earth, He (ALLAH) who is in the skies will show mercy to you❤️ "
Carom Board
After that I went downstairs and offered Asar prayer. Then we all siblings played CAROM BOARD . we made two teams A and B. I was in team B first we won them Team A won and in team A also won the final. We enjoyed it very much.
Potato Fries
Then it was the time for Magrib we all offered prayer. Then My youngest sister asked me for making fries so I went to the kitchen and made Potato Fries for all of us and served it with sauce and mayonnaise.
Thats all for today.
I hope you all will like and appreciate my diary Thank you soo much for visiting and reading my diary.
Hope to get your love and support. Will be waiting for your good response.
Take great care of yourselves and your loved ones.
We will meet in my next diary till then
🌸kind regards @mahawaheed🌸
Special mention to
MashaaAllah your act of kindness for the birds is amazing. May Allah pak give you reward for this. And carom board was used to my favourite indoor game when we all played together. You must have enjoyed it. Camel pulao is looking delicious.
keep sharing such diaries
Greetings (:
Ameen Sumameen 😊
Thank you so much for your kind words💕
Feeding the birds is the best way of act of kindness. May God bless you and those who have been adopted to this thing. It's shows your soft heartedness. The meals look so yummy 😋😋 and mouth watering. I didn't eat camel meat in my life but I think it would be of great taste.
Ameen 🤲🏻
Thank you so much for your kind words😊 May ALLAH Almighty give all of us strength to do more good deeds💫
You should try this it's really of good taste👍🏻