#My self introductio#

in STEEMIT PAKISTAN4 years ago

Greetings to all the friends of this community. I hope you are all well and in good health. Let me introduce myself to you. My name is Karim Nawaz. My father's name is Muhammad Nawaz. I live in Pakistan, the most beautiful country in the world. In Pakistan, I live in the beautiful city of Mianwali in the province of Punjab. I studied up to matriculation. I matriculated. Since then I have been working as a laborer in the city. By the grace of Allah I was recruited as a signal assistant in Pakistan Railways in 2004. My height is 2 feet 3 inches and my weight is about 5 kg.


بھرتھی ھونے کے پہلے ٨ماہ میں کندیاں ریلوے اسٹیشن پے ڈیوٹی دیتا رہا ھوں پھر 2005 میں میرا ٹرانسفر داودخیل جنکشن پے ھو گیا وھاں پے میں تقریبأ12 سال ڈیوٹی سر انجام دیتا رہا ھوں وہاں کام بہی مشکل تھا اور دور بہی بہت تھا پھر بڑی کوشش کر کے میں نے اپنا ٹرانسفر میانوالی اسٹیشن پے کروا لیا اور اس وقت میں میانوالی میں بطور سگنل معاون اپنی ڈیوٹی سر انجام دے رہا ھوں


I am married I got married in 2012 and at the moment I have two daughters Mashaallah the eldest daughter is named Ayat Fatima and the youngest daughter is named Abrash Fatima We are four brothers I am the youngest and I have 2 sisters


Friends, this was my introduction. May Allah keep you all safe and sound. Amen. Bye.



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