Achievement 1 my introduction
Greetings to all the members of this committee on Wednesday 20-10-2021
May Allah bless you and have mercy on you friends, I hope you all are well, may I be well too May Allah Almighty keep you happy forever May Allah Almighty grant you the ability to always serve your parents Amen

My introduction
Friends My name is Muhammad Badar ud din Shah Father's name is Abdul Aziz Shah My country's name is Pakistan I am a resident of Mohalla Railway Colony Janet Road Quetta in Quetta District of Balochistan Province We have four brothers and three sisters All of us are married I also have a sweet little daughter. My parents have passed away. My father is alive. May Allah grant him long life. Amen.
My education
Friends, I have matriculated from the 12th Allama Iqbal Open University. I have received religious education from a madrassa.
my work
I have tried in many places for a job but I could not find a job. Then I set up my own retail shop which is my livelihood. My shop has been closed for almost nine years.
My hobby
There is cricket. I still play cricket with great enthusiasm. I take some time out of the shop and give it to cricket. The rest of the time I give it to the shop.
my friend
We are three friends one is named qudratullah shah we are all childhood friends we all don't hide anything from each other my friend's house is about 20 km away from me my friend has a very good job my other friend's The name is Malik Naeem Iqbal. Malik Naeem has his own mobile shop. The three of us are very good friends. Naeem Iqbal and I have been studying in the same school till middle school.
Thanks a lot