His Lucky Robin
His Lucky Robin owned a teapot that they would occasionally watch for 10 minutes every morning. It might have been a fairly odd exercise, to you and me, but not to the Robin, who had come to the conclusion that it was in fact, the most awesome idea. You wouldnt have imagined, a teapot being the item opted for.
His Lucky Robin desperately craved for a bottle of wine that they would embrace. One might find this to be a fairly strange proposal, to everybody you know, but not to the Robin, who assumed that the idea was wonderous. A bottle of wine is the thing to choose.
His Lucky Robin owned a mug that they would experiment on. It would be an exciting action, to me, my mum and my dad, but not to the Robin, who thought that the idea was miraculous. Strangely, a mug being the chosen thing.
His Lucky Robin desperately wanted a custard pie that they liked to embrace. This seems to be a new thing to do, to most, but not to the Robin, who thought that it was in fact, wonderous. Honestly, a custard pie would be the thing that was opted for.
His Lucky Robin desperately craved for a set of lego that they would sleep with. One might find this to be an exciting proposal, to my mum, but not to the Robin, who had decided that this idea is spectacular. Honestly, a set of lego being the thing opted for.
His Lucky Robin found a radiator that they sometimes share. This could be considered a fairly curious operation, to you, but not to the Robin, who thought that this idea is amazing. Who would have imagined, a radiator was the item that was selected.