The Orange KingsteemCreated with Sketch.

The Orange King searched for a can of coke to throw. It might have been a strange action, to you and me, but not to the King, who had decided it would be wonderful. Who would have imagined, a can of coke was the chosen item.

The Orange King desperately wanted a bottle of coke that they would sometimes drop. It was an exciting thought, to some, but not to the King, who thinks that this idea was awe-inspring. You wouldnt have thought, a bottle of coke would be the thing that was selected.

The Orange King often carried a painting of a melon that they liked to smash. It would be a fairly bizarre action, to my grandpa, but not to the King, who felt it would be spectacular. Strangely, a painting of a melon being the thing opted for.

The Orange King found a stretchman that they would often worship. This seems to be a fairly peculiar undertaking, to most, but not to the King, who thinks it was sublime. Strangely, a stretchman would be the chosen thing.

The Orange King desperately searched for a helmet that they would play with. It is considered to be a fairly astonishing thought, to some, but not to the King, who assumed that it was in fact, awe-inspring. Who would have imagined, a helmet is the item to select.

The Orange King desperately needed a chocolate bar that they liked to hug. One might say this is a fairly new thing to do, to me and my wife, but not to the King, who expected that this idea is sublime. You wouldnt have thought, a chocolate bar is the thing to select.