in Steem Nations2 months ago

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✨..Halfu al-Fudhuul..

After this war, the Halfu al-Fudhuul took place in the sacred month of Dhul-Qa'dah.

Some tribes of Quraysh, namely Bani Hashim, Bin Muttalib, Bani Asad Abdul Uzzi, Bani Zahra bin Kilab and Bani Taym bin Murrah, organized it.


These people gathered at the house of Abdullah bin Jadaan Tameey. . because he was distinguished in age and honor. . . and they made a pact among themselves that whoever was seen oppressed in Mecca. Whether he was a resident of Mecca or a resident of somewhere else, they would all stand up in his aid and support and would give him his right.

The Messenger of Allah (peace and blessings of Allah be upon him) was also present in this gathering and later, after being honored with the honor of prophethood, he used to say: "I was a party to such an agreement at the house of Abdullah bin Jadaan that I would not even like a red camel in exchange for it, and if I were called to make a covenant and agreement in the (era of) Islam, I would have said yes." (Ibn Hisham 135/133/1 Mukhtasar-e-Sira Sheikh Abdullah p. 31/30)

This agreement was contrary to the pre-Islamic fervor that arose from the nervousness of the agreement.

The reason for this agreement is said to be that a man from Zubayd came to Mecca with goods and Al-As bin Wail bought the goods from him. But he withheld his right.

He requested help from the allied tribes of Abdul Dar, Makhzum, Jamh, Sahm and Adi. But no one paid attention.

After that, he climbed Jabal Ab Qubais and recited some poems aloud. In which his story of oppression was narrated.

After that, Zubair bin Abdul Muttalib ran and said, "Why is this man helpless and helpless?" Due to his efforts, the tribes mentioned above gathered. First, they made a treaty, then they convinced Al-As bin Wail to give the right to this Zubaydi. (Also, Mukhtasar-ul-Sira, pp. 31, 30)

✨... A life of cruelty...

The Messenger of Allah (peace and blessings of Allah be upon him) did not have any specific work during his youth, but it is reported that he used to herd goats. He used to herd the goats of Banu Sa'd and in Mecca, he used to herd the goats of the people of Mecca for a few qiraats.

When he was twenty-five years old, he took the property of Hazrat Khadija (may Allah be pleased with her) and went to Syria for trade. Ibn Ishaq states that Khadija bint Khuwaylid was a wealthy and respected woman. She used to give people her property for trade and would decide a share on the principle of Mudarabat.

The entire tribe of Quraysh was a merchant. When they came to know about the honest soldiership, honesty and noble character of the Messenger of Allah (ﷺ), they sent a message to him (ﷺ) to take their wealth and go to Syria with his slave Maysara for trade.

They would give you (ﷺ) a better hereafter than what they give to other merchants. The Messenger of Allah (ﷺ) accepted the offer and took their wealth and went to Syria with his slave Maysara.

To be continued.........