
"The Riemann hypothesis and some of its generalizations, along with Goldbach's conjecture and the twin prime conjecture, comprise Hilbert's eighth problem in David Hilbert's list of 23 unsolved problems"
So, no human knows the truth about the correctness of the Riemann Hypothesis, eventually not even entities like AlphaCore, who knows? But if she does, she will have a good reason not to tell the answer to the humans. She won't reveal it for CEO. So the piece will cause the game start to get delayed until the Riemann Hypothesis is falsified or verified.
Balance: Dependant on the correctness of the Riemann Hypothesis this minion will either t1 check mate after this long delay or it will be completly UP. 0/10

 4 years ago (edited)

Screenshot (351).png
This unit is a turn 1 checkmater because the Reimann Hypothesis is true. Send me 500 RP and I'll show you my math
Also 0/10 balance

As there was no justification for the 0/10 balance, I think this vote should not count. Also, I sent the 500 RP so please show me the math

My justification is obviously that it insta kills the king and then just moves around and it's almost free so it's horrible. Also I'm still sitting at 1967 Contribution so I know you didn't

How dare you pretend that I didn't give you contribution just so that you don't have to prove anything! This is outrageous blasphemy! I think the rating shouldn't count because you are a liar who will not thank me for giving 500 contribution or offer up your promised service

I have a screenshot from yesterday with me at the same contribution value I have rn

 4 years ago Reveal Comment