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RE: Simple Piecemaking Tournament

in CEO Champion's Gate4 years ago (edited)

Alright, the tournament is over (it was over a while ago but I was busy until yesterday when kong was down so I couldn't distribute rewards), the winner is GodOfTomatoes with his Cyclops. I think this tournament generated a lot of super fun pieces (at least for me - the categories were specifically designed to generate units that I would like though). I think that of these, Cyclops is the coolest, but there are a lot of gems in the others, too. So +45 RP to GodOfTomatoes. The best/most feedback reward goes to kerdonmike, he gave pretty detailed feedback to lots of pieces, +50 RP.

Overall I am happy with the tournament results, though I think some people are mad that I didn't put any effort into hosting it (I was really just using it as a way to give out my RP and also because I wanted to have some discussion/see some units I would like). So, in the future I will likely not be hosting any tournaments unless I really put a ton of effort into them, which I don't see myself doing unless the community gets a lot larger and I get less busy. Anyways, thanks to the participants and see you next time