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RE: Design challenge: An AI for CEO

in CEO Champion's Gate4 years ago

Thanks for the response, glad to hear this opinion! (+39 rp) Basically you seem to be suggesting to have a lot of heuristics to check between situations, then using some machine learning on top of it, which seems like it could be a pretty good strategy, though 'using some machine learning' is vague enough that it's a bit unclear. I think that if you can get a decent way to measure how good a position is with basic chess tactics, then you can just do a simpler search with alpha-beta pruning (just checking say 3 moves deep and seeing which one results in the best outcome according to your metric on how good a position is, if both players use that metric). Though, even if you give a supercomputer an hour to compute vs a minute, in my opinion it won't have that much benefit, 60x more operations isn't too much when a minute already allows for 10^10 operations or so... of course it can help but the base algorithm is much more important.


Sorry I couldn't be of more help but I am quite technologically illiterate lol I just know that using engines in standard chess usually requires a substantial amount of time for them to work things out deeply in complicated positions, and I figured that any individual game of CEO would be exponentially more complicated than even some of the most complicated chess games.

Much appreciated for the RP! I'd be happy to help test any future engines and give my 2 cents if you don't mind hearing my layman's opinion again. More than happy, I would be honoured :D