"Welcome to the CEO forum" Posting Contest
Look at this image:

Now look at this image:
Now look at this image:
Now look at this image:
The embed for the forum itself is the same as "steemit" embed.
So this is a contest to create the best "welcome" post,
(that also has a nice embed).
Things the welcome post should include:
An image that will be used for the embed image (can be small)
A brief explanation of the blockchain/SP voting system.
An indication of being CEO-related: show they're in the right place.
A very obvious link to the actual forum: CEO Champion's Gate
+Anything else you think might be useful, such as various links, piecemaker/scenario tools, or general information, but without becoming overwhelming to such extent that your 'welcome post' becomes
[Dawn of the Phantasms]
To aid in this task,
here are some images that might be useful:
you may need to edit the scale on some of these ^
Judgement of the post will be based on the content AND the embed:
(1st image in post, 1st sentence, title)
You can test your embeds in discord.
(goal: keep welcome embed relatively horizontal)
(also note: original post title determines URL length)
Crowns/Contribution will be given to anyone making a decent effort.
Participants can also "farm weird crypto", courtesy of @alphacore.
Like this:
you can get to my submission by clicking on penguin with a gun
My Submission
For consideration - one of the usefull links might be the updated explanation for RP / Crowns here on steemit - https://steemit.com/hive-135459/@kerdonmike/crowns-royal-power-how-it-works .
This post has received a 31.41 % upvote from @boomerang.