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RE: Piece suggestion thread

in CEO Champion's Gate4 years ago (edited)

Cannon, one of the three most important offensive pieces in chinese chess. Maybe not that powerful on standard chess board, but it's mechanic is new to CEO.

PieceMaker-cannon (1).png
first description

second description
Edit: Leap over the first unit on the path and attack the second unit along the path.

diagonal version, I named it Catapult

PieceMaker-catapult (1).png
first description

second description
Edit: Leap over the first unit on the path and attack the second unit along the path.
Like how blocking make them powerful, must be fun if got to play them together with other pieces from CEO.

Edit: picture for second description crush as I save them. So, I do it manually.

 4 years ago (edited)

This mechanic seems quite nice and thematic, we have both leaps and path attacks, this looks somewhat of an overlap between them. However, while this is not as directly strong as unblockable attack itself, it is in some regard similar to it as well. Range 8 on it is therefore a big NO imo, you could kill king turn 1 as black. I don't know under what circumstances you could give this attack more range without being as strong as unblockable at same range.

Is it different enough to make pieces that would be balanced with same unblockable range but with this ? I'm not sure. Also, I wouldn't call it cannon and catapult, those evoke ranged attacks without changing own position.

 4 years ago (edited)

You have to think about your first move carefully your opponent got one of these. As for the names, you can imagine an army of soldiers moving them XD. Frostress roaming the chess board no problem.

They can only move like rook or bishop while not attacking and must leap over exactly 1 unit in order to attack.

If given shorter range, they may become less useful, since their power decrease greatly late game when unit on board become less. I believe they are more effective in threatening than real attack since attacking on highly pack board early game usually mean suicide.

To defend against them, you can either: 1.move away the under threatening unit, 2.move away the unit that work as the material for leaping, or 3. move another unit in between the leaping material and the target of it. For me, it varied the game play.

In the second description, I actually make the higher-tier gain leap-move instead of normal move. Unfortunately, that picture was not save.

It is not that effective against a king since a king is not limited to certain area on board and has quite good mobility.