ok why did you even allow these pieces with scrolls in the description
as the one who came up with the turn 1 checkmate meme tournament idea i propose that is banned
and also using multiple tiers is an advantage over posting a single tier
ok why did you even allow these pieces with scrolls in the description
as the one who came up with the turn 1 checkmate meme tournament idea i propose that is banned
and also using multiple tiers is an advantage over posting a single tier
I didn't lol I should probably stop this madness
you allowed godoftomatoes to post that massive description piece just because he said "it's only slightly above the description cap" or some nonsense (in the discord)
Without description nonsense there's no real point to this tourney because it's way too easy to figure out what's a turn 1 checkmater
this statement is equally as true as your statements about how a 24 cost queen with less moves and attacks was beyond overpowered compared to queen, or your statement about warrior+++ being much better than legionary+, or the statement about swordsman+ being better than skeleton
i get that it may be a trick statement but this tournament is way worse if forcing wall of texts