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RE: Simple Piecemaking Tournament

in CEO Champion's Gate4 years ago



The only action square is: "(Ranged, Start of Turn Trigger) Petrify enemy unit for 1 turn."
Tiers from 0 to 3 have range from 3 to 6, gradually.

Comments / ideas:

  • Known mechanic / status effect, just for shorter duration.
  • Can't do anything as action by player, status effect is on trigger, mobility has to be provided by allies.
  • Ranged - first / closest enemy target only, except when some targets do not block movement and therefore ranged abilities, so it can shoot / affect further / additional targets. Also, allies in front of Gorgon block the ability going forward (with same exception of DNBM).
  • Start of turn for the reason of swapping - enemy has his turn to react to new position.
  • Idea is to have single ability, and with some of what the examples in categories do. I would sometimes consider this as alternative for Frostmage, Comet, Siren in my setups. Even more when I would experiment with fielding more than 1 of those.
  • Status-effect-only unit, that doesn't mind Alchemist on opposing team. Please, cure as much as you want, whatever it costs :) .
  • It is offensive itself, and lot of time requires offense from opponent to get rid of (except occasional immunities). Defensive Alchemist (as used versus most status effects) is only temporary solution. Opponent can either remove the Gorgon itself, porting / swapping allies, or allies that can easily take advantage of the effect (Thundermage, Firemage, Wrath, ...).
 4 years ago (edited)

Wouldn't it be "(Ranged, Trigger) Enemy Unit:"
Btw, this is a comment to help you get more points by simplifying it and it's the format the game already uses

I appreciate it. But the 3 pieces that have trigger activated just by turns passing are - Alchemist, Lust, Samurai. And they all have the start / end of turn later in the description, with more space filled in sentence, than just 3 words before trigger :) .

This piece is I think broken OP, just push it a square forward and you have an insane amount of control over a column. I would say it's ok if you bump up the costs a lot ((x+2)*1.5 is appropriate IMO) or nerf it with displacement-immune but for now it's a lose. Supposing that's fixed, it's a pretty interesting/powerful magic ability.
Inspires fear from across the field - 5 (Big range at higher tiers, so sure)
Breaks common chess intuition with a surprising move- 7 (magic and triggers are always weird)
Causes aggressive matches - 3 (It feels a lot like voidmage)

 4 years ago (edited)

Compared to Voidmage, Gorgon:

  • needs other pieces to provide mobility (<< VM, esp. tier 3)
  • all it does is stun for 1 turn (<< voided for rest of match)
  • needs other pieces to kill / render target useless

So it's slower twice (get in, kill), and requires ally (allies) to do anything with / during the effect.

Insane amount of control ? Insane range, that's about it. Control that doesn't kill, doesn't last, and isn't flexible to point / relocate elsewhere is quite a liable control. The same column you cannot place your units on for it to keep stunning (except DNBM). Opponent can counterplay by:

  • porting stunned piece away
  • place low value / immune target in front
  • take Gorgon out, either by Alchemist curing stunned target for that 1 turn needed to kill, or any other piece from other columns, and possibly for free with magic, poison, ranged, which without mobility is quite real weakness
  • push / threaten elsewhere, leave Gorgon occupied / active on weak target, his owner just lost champion slot and 10 value worth of defense elsewhere

The best case scenario for Gorgon - when opposing turtling setup, with limited range, slow advance, lack of pressure / number of threats. And 2 of 3 goals we were supposed to aim for are to discourage exactly that kind of opposing tactic / setup. In my view, Gorgon is better for being this way, not worse. The cost imo is fair for what it can do and what it is susceptible to.

And lastly - if Gorgon had displacement-immune - I wouldn't put tiers 0 .. 2 in my setup ever, and would hesitate and think twice to include tier 3, even if all tiers costed 0.

If you consider it OP enough to leave it out of competition, it's better it stays out. Because that feedback I'm not going to agree with or reflect in any way. At least GodOfTomatoes, me, and possibly others later don't have to waste more time commenting on this piece - in this competition, to be precise.

Your comment seems to forget that the ability is a trigger? It doesn't just stun for 1 turn, it stuns indefinitely. I compared it to voidmage because the ways to defend are similar - You either place a low-value piece in front and still have it get hit with the effect, or kill the Gorgon. I'm not sure what you mean by the last point in counterplaying, pushing elsewhere doesn't stop the trigger effect. In that way Gorgon is stronger than voidmage, which takes a turn to do it's magic. Also pieces can move after being exposed to void magic which helps a little at least. Of course, the fact that it can only target 1 unit is a weakness, but poison/thunder will be pretty effective at ignoring this. With range 7, I would prefer gorgon+++ over voidmage+++ in most setups, even if they were costed the same. (others may disagree)

You misunderstand point 3. The objective is not to benefit the opponent with an offensive setup, but to force offensive play regardless of the setups, or perhaps to force your own army into being more aggressive.

I agree that displacement immune is weak for the first few tiers, I meant that it could be part of a solution, not the whole solution. For example, displacement immune with a starting teleport. In my opinion, displacement immune T3 is still very strong.

Also, scores aren't final until the tournament is over. So you aren't really disqualified unless you don't edit your unit.

I'm not sure if it is possible to see the same thing so differently, or change anything about it if it is possible. Last effort:

  • You don't defend same way as with VM mostly, because you have more time before (Gorgon needs allies to reposition), and you have more time AFTER your piece has been disabled by Gorgon. Against VM, once target is voided, it is useless (mostly) for rest of game. Against Gorgon, even if you don't defend at all, petrified piece might get unpetrified without harm.
  • It does petrify for 1 turn. If you reposition stunned target, block / remove Gorgon, your piece is back to being fully functional after that 1 turn. For Gorgon to stun indefinitely, Gorgon itself, target, path between them, must stay clear / available for the trigger to keep stunning, no Alch interfence, and Gorgon will be occupied indefinitely too. Slightly more demanding than single cast from VM.
  • If you push stunned piece elsewhere, it is now out of the ranged pathing of stun, and is back to full duty in 1 turn (the same you used for pushing it), so, I can't ever understand how this is not counterplay.

I do not misunderstand point 3, or anything else for that matter. But I have a feeling you misunderstand something more profound.

"objective is not to benefit the opponent with an offensive setup, but to force offensive play regardless of the setups" ?!?!

This is same thing said in 2 ways, 2 sides of same coin, cause and effect.
If I require / encourage something considered offensive, then of course setups that are better offensively will be better at doing the required offense, and therefore benefit (or are punished less, again, different wording for same thing) than non- or less-aggressive setups.

If I make competition in which I require participants to run fast, and hare and snail enter it, how am I going to require them to run fast without benefiting the faster one (hare), in your view ?

The difference in the bolded text is that one involves changes that can be controlled within the course of the match (moving pieces), and the other involves changes that cannot be controlled within the course of the match (army setup). It is not the same thing said twice.

I'd leave something more helpful, but it seems like this piece got disqualified