Post for free Contribution 2
Post in this thread for free Contribution. I'll send anyone who posts here within the next 7 days 5 royal power, as long as you make your Kongregate CEO username obvious.
Contribution is a form of currency in CEO that unlocks free gems when you have enough of it, for anyone unfamiliar.
I will always take free things
How was your Thanksgiving?

Glad to hear it went well.
I would like free RP (my name in kongregate is in all caps)
Hello Ghostly, when comes the next update? O:
No spoilers
"According to research by UC San Diego psychology professor Nicholas Christenfeld, spoilers don’t ruin a story: They make you enjoy it even more."
Of course the part they aren't telling you is that the "you", in this case, is the person telling the spoiler, not the person being told (no, I didn't read the article. I'm joking -- at least as far as what they're trying to convey. But at the same time, I think that they're full of it. Either that, or marketers actually have it correct when they show all the good parts of a movie in the previews -- but I'm not the only one that hates that, right?
Spoilers ruin things as there's no excitement/mystery anymore, and yeah I agree with you previews that show everything ruin a movie and that's why I try only to watch a few seconds of a trailer if I think I'll watch a movie or show
I missed the first one but I'm here now
>:( dont give me any im allergic
Alright then, I wouldn't want to poison you.
Gimme tasty value?
You'll need to list your Kongregate username for me to send Contribution
horay (my username is 9spaceking)
Sorry that I have to disappoint you, but the week is over some days.

Hey, are you gonna do something similar soon? Secondly I'm new in the game, I didn't really understand how to unlocks free gems with Contribution (by gems you mean ruby right?)... thank you in advance