
I must dq this unit as a perfect logician would not be able to declare with any certainty that it can 1 turn checkmate. Sorry

 4 years ago (edited)

Guys this is clearly a turn 1 checkmater because you can fling it forwards with portal and then it'll be targeting the enemy king
Also 0/10 for balance

but where is the exact destroy enemy king square?

Balance 0/10. There are two options: The amibigious "Destroy enemy King" square is somewhere, where it can use it on him at t2, or it isn't. Completly broken/ or completly underpowered.
Btw I interpret the ability like Liliths "(Magic) charm enemy minion." ability, since that's how it's worded, it can only destroy King, if the King is on the destroy square.
Could you please link the piecemaker, so we can see if there are any Destroy enemy King squares, which are relevant for t1?

It's dumb. It deserves a -99/10. The square colour is too deceiving to actually makes sense. It's a turn one checkmater if all the white squares belong to this ability. Its face is also really ugly and it looks like a one checkmater. Without the explanation, this piece is a turn one checkmater. It's also looks very dumb. Also, penguin with a gun is stupid and you are stupid for suggesting that stupid thing.

penguin with a gun is not stupid sir. i dispute this rating.