Comment contest||My best family photo||10 SP prize 🏆

in Knack4buzz8 months ago


What you need to do?

  • Share your best family photo with a little description of 50 words.
Rules that you need to follow
  • Post your entry in comment section of this contest.

  • Your comment should not contain less than 50 words and you can write maximum in 150 words.

  • Your post should be free from plegiarism and any sort of AI generated content.

  • Your post should have clear images.
  • You must be in club5050 , club75 or club100 to be eligible to participate 😀

  • You should be very original and very creative in your writing because it would enhance your chances to winning this contest.

  • It would be more good if you will add my username @sahar78 in your comment.
  • Please invite your three friends must at the end of your comment so that they may also participate in the contest.
  • It's mandatory to use images of your own authority.
Contest schedule
  • The time to participate in this contest would start from 19th July to 25th July.

  • Ensure your participation within the deadline I have provided, otherwise your entry would be considered invalid.

Prizes for contest winners 🏆

• 2 SP for top 5 entries.



Have a blessed Saturday ☺️

Hello fellow steemians, it's me 😁 @woka-happiness I'm very excited to participate in this contest organized by @sahar78 I know many steemians are going to find it difficult 😅 to believe this but I'm going to say this anyway,


This is my best family photo, because this particular picture reminds me of how much love we used to share, how peaceful and loving our home was, things are not the way they use to be, although I know that things will not always remain the same but, I wish our home would be as loving as it was many years ago.

This picture has been long, I was 10 years old so I guess it should be almost about 11 years ago when we took this picture way back in the village, just me and my younger siblings. The picture looks soo very funny 😂 that I almost tore it but I'm glad I didn't do that because it serves as a memory to me and my family.

At least I can see how I was looking many years ago and how I have improved😁 now I know that I'm looking much better than before.

Well Thanks so much for stopping by my blog and for reading true❤️.

I'm inviting @jasminemary, @moyeon, @saintkelvin17, @waterjoe, @tripple-e, and @bossj23

Wonderful family, don't worry things will be better soon 🙏.

The photo is nice🥰, am glad you kept it save. I wish you good luck in this contest and thanks for the invite.

😁 Awwn thanks for the wonderful comments 🫶, this is the first time I'm hearing this about that particular picture, my friends would always laugh at me 🥺, they said we look weird 😔

Yh the picture is nice. I have a picture like this with my siblings except our last born who was a baby, it was our primary school inter-house sports day and I was in basic 3.

they said we look weird

Teenagers these days are too foolish and I look at them and laugh because am not foolish.

You are still saying they are your friends, no na those aren't friends.

Thank you sir 🙏 for the nice compliment 😁

Pasti anda sudah tumbuh dewasa saat ini, saya yakin anda adalah kakak terbaik, anda masih menyimpan album masa lalu dan itu pasti hl yang sangat berharga... 🤗😘


My family is the best gifts that God has given to me, my family is everything I need in this world, my family is my pride, I don't joke with my family because they mean alot to me... We took this picture on Easter day, that day was a marvelous day and I can't forget that day in my life, that day was my first day seeing my father in this year...

I am using this opportunity to invite @owulama @josepha, @pandora2010, @rdp89 and @vivigibelis to join me and participate in this wonderful contest

Thanks for reading 🙏

I'm glad that you are happy with the family you got because they really look cute, united and happy.
Many blessings..🙏🏻

Anda dan ayah anda pasti memiliki selera yang sama, lihatlah baju yang anda dan ayah anda kenakan, motif yang sama sehingga terlihat sangat serasi... Anda seperti nya pecinta fashion...
Foto yang keren teman... 👍

Yes ma I love fashion ma, thanks for stopping by I really appreciate

You are welcome... 👍👍👍

 8 months ago 

Assalamualaikum warahmatullahi wabarakatuh

Hai steemian di manapun kalian berada, apa kabar kalian hari ini, aku harap kalian baik-baik saja. Kembali lagi bersama saya @sriiza, aku di sini karena ikut serta dalam kontes yang diselenggarakan oleh @sahar78. aku akan mengikuti kontes karena sangat menarik bagiku.


Aku udah berkeluarga kurang lebih 18 tahun, memulai hubungan dengan sangat baik, kami pertama kenalan tanpa sengaja bertemu di sebuah tempat kerja aku. di situlah awal mula kami kenalan. sesudah itu berlanjut berhubungan melalui handphone aja. kami hanya kenalan sekitar 2 bulan sebelum melakukan akad nikah atau hubungan rumah tangga, pada saat itu aku masih kuliah dan umurku masih 20 tahun walaupun aku di katakan masih muda, tapi aku yakin dengan pilihan hatiku untuk berumah tangga. walau pertama mamaku tidak mengizinkan aku kawin karena tergolong masih muda dan kuliah juga belum selesai


Sekarang kami udah di karuniai 3 orang buah hati dua perempuan dan satu laki-laki, alhamdulilah rumah tangga kami berjalan dengan damai tanpa ada perselisihan yang berarti.

Anakku yang bernama udah kelas dia SMA dan Yan nomor dua udah kelas 1 SMP dan no 3 udah kelas 2 SD. kami hidup rukun dalam membina sebuah rumah tangga.
semoga maut yang memisah kami. Aamiin

Aku juga mengajak teman-temanku untuk ikut berpartisipasi dalam kontes ini @vicent21, @nooruleman dan @ifatniza.

terimakasih banyak untuk teman-teman stemian semuanya.


Anak-anak yang sudah besar, saya berharap keluarga anda selalu bahagia... Putri yang cantik-cantik, tinggal beberapa tahun lagi dan mereka akan dewasa... Foto anda sangat indah

Semoga sakinah, ma waddah wa Rahmah aamiin.

 8 months ago 

makasih untuk semua doa baiknya semoga anda juga berbahagia selalu dengan keluarganya. Aamiin

 8 months ago 

Greetings 🤗 Everyone ❣️

Dear @sahar78, Thank you very much for organizing such good and amazing contests for us.I'm @iffatilyas from Pakistan

I would like to share my family photo with you.This is our little family. This picture is about three months old. When we attended a family function, we took this family picture. In this picture, me and husband my father-in-law.
First time when I attended the function in my in-laws this is the picture of this time and this one of my favorite picture.
This is one of the most beautiful photos of my life now that I used in this contest


I would like to invite my friend @woka-happiness @iqraa100 @meehu to participate in this contest.

Regards From @iffatilyas🇵🇰

Hola que concurso tan interesante asi sea aquí en los comentarios gracias por la invitacion @sahar78

Si me pidieran regresar un momento del pasado, quisiera que fuera ese momento de mi graduacion de bachiller el año pasado 2023, del cual el 28 de julio, cumplo un año.

Aunque mi mama no esta, es porque quien toma la foto, eso la hace familiar ella estaba presente, en la foto con mi hermana y mi abuelita.

Muchos no creian en mi en poderme graduar pero se los demostre, ahi estaba con algo de nervios, por ese dia, no dormi bien en la noche, ademas que amanecio y estaba lloviendo, pero mi mama ya habia contratado un taxi, es mi tercera promocion o graduacion, pero hasta ahora la de Bachiller es como otro nivel.

Ahorita estamos en epoca de graduaciones y es como vivirla de nuevo.


¡Hola amigo!

Que alegra muchísimo, que tú recuerdes el día que te graduaste de bachiller ese fue un logro súper bueno y importante para ti y por eso lo recuerdas muy bien.

En la fotografia no salió tu mamá la más importante, pero déjame decirte que la fotografía está muy bella me gusto muchísimo, se muestra la gran felicidad que tienen tus padres por haberte graduado, yo ls verdad que te felicito.

Muy hermoso este concurso me gusta, estaré participando para aceptar tu invitación que siempre sera recibida con amor. Suerte en el concurso.


Pasti ini menjadi foto kenangan terindah anda, selamat untuk anda atas kelulusan nya... Memang benar, lulus berarti memiliki semangat baru... Saya harap anda selalu sukses my friend... 😇

Saludos amigo @sahar78 aqui mi participacion para este pequeño pero muy hermoso concurso.

Mi foto es un recuerdo asi como un #tbt, ya que mañana es cumpleaños de mi mama que es una steemian @zhanavic69, ese fue en su cumpleaños numero 51, con la familia que no somos muchos y ahi estabamos menos, como debe ser la cumpleañera en el centro, o casi, los demas sus hijos mi hermano y yo que casi no me veo atras, mis primos y la esposa de mi tio. Tambien fueron algunos vecinos.

Nuestros cumpleaños los celebramos casi siempre en el fundo porque alla vive la abuela, es mas amplio y es diferente, ya que pasamos varios dias.

DSC04713 - copia.JPG

Siguiendo las reglas invito a @abril2204 @irene1983 @helengutier2


This is my family. They are my husband and children who I love very much. We went through a lot together. Our family is very simple but full of love and affection. This photo is the most beautiful holiday memory and since then we have never been on holiday again. Sometimes conditions make us decide what is "now" to be "later". Takengon, Central Aceh Regency❤

 8 months ago 

You have a lovely family and if you survive the hardships it will only get better.
It's a lovely photo, the joy can be felt and what a luxury home/bungalow that is! 😲

The great thing about good memories is they last forever. If you watch those photos again you relive that time.

A great Saturday to you

Thank you for your kind words...
You are absolutely right @wakeupkitty, with that photo I felt again what it was like at that time, the cold reached 15 degrees Celsius and I also climbed the highest mountain in Takengon while I was 6 months pregnant. We can see the beauty of the city from that height... Oh I really want to go back there...
You remind me more and more that sometimes when we survive adversity, something beautiful happens....
Hugs and kisses to you 🤗😘

 8 months ago 

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