Spanish lessons through literature/creative writing: "clase n.11 cuarto acto"

in Knack4buzz2 months ago

EL DIARIO DE DIEGO: clase n.11 cuarto acto

Entonces, mis amores: a mi hermana no le había quedado otro recurso que no fuese cortar y arreglar el pelo a una u otra conocida de la villa. Y siempre llevando en cuenta de ofrecer sus servicios a mujeres honestas, que no la estafasen, especialmente a nuestras conocidas hermanas de la iglesia. Ustedes saben cómo van las cosas en este país, sobre todo en barrios peligrosos. Si les ofrecés servicios y deciden no pagarte, no podés hacer nada al respecto. A este ritmo, ustedes se imaginarán cuántas son las clientas de mi hermana, sobre todo, sabiendo que la gente que vive en las villas tiene la costumbre de ser muy pobre. La mayoría de las mujeres nunca acuden a una peluquería. Nunca se cortan el pelo y siempre se lo arreglan por ellas mismas. Solo unas ancianas que no están acostumbradas desde su juventud a cortarse el pelo van de vez en cuando, pues ya no tienen el vigor físico de las jóvenes para lidiar con un pelo enorme. Pero últimamente, debido a la inflación que sigue disparando, ellas también están renunciando a hacerse cortar el pelo. La última clienta que le quedaba a mi hermana había sido doña Angustias, la mamá de mi amigo Miguel. Sin embargo, como ya saben, en el barrio ya no hay más noticias ni de Miguel, ni de sus padres...

I'll post the English translation, but what about the idea to study some grammar and context?
Here the tool:

Here the video-slide with the pronunciation:

I registered the pronunciation and to do the video-slide I added an image of a haircut, typical of third and fourth aged women who haven't any more the patience or physical disposition to deal with long hair (well, some infos: no mind how much poor are Latin Americans, as currently, the average Latin American woman, especially young to middle age, usually doesn't get rid to have her hair, and nails also, done😂...but Diego's diary is set in the XXVIth century😂). Image from Pixabay free. You find it here:

Video-slide prepared with the free tools Slideshow Creator and ClipChamp default for Windows11.

Did you read the lesson and watched the video-slide? Very well, let's go now to see the English translation🤗:

DIEGO'S DIARY (=EL DIARIO DE DIEGO): lesson n.11 fourth part (=clase n.11 cuarto acto)

Very well, my beloved friends: my sister had no other chance but to cut and shape the hair of one or other acquaintance in the slum. And always keeping in mind to offer her services to women who wouldn't rip her off, to honest women, especially our acquainted church sisters. You know how things are in this country, especially in dangerous neighbourhoods. If you offer them services and they decide not to pay you, there is nothing you can do about it. At this rate, you can imagine how many are my sister's customers, especially knowing that the people who live in the slums have the habit of being very poor. Most of the women never go to a hairdresser. They never cut their hair and always do it themselves. Only a few old women who have not been used to cutting and shaping their own hair since their youth go from time to time to a hairdresser, as they no longer have the physical strength of young women to deal with huge hair. But lately, due to the skyrocketing inflation, they also are giving up on getting their hair cut. My sister's last customer has been Mrs. Angustias, my friend Miguel's mother. However, as you know, there is no more news in the neighbourhood about Miguel or his parents...

Previous lesson:

Ps.: I apologise for any inaccuracies: English is not my main language and here there was some professional lexycon I don't know deeply


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