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RE: From Now On We Are Officially a Duo - Come Along and Celebrate With Us!

in Knack4buzz9 months ago (edited)

Congrats for the dolphin level❤️. What a very cute dolphins in the images❤️! I'm wandering if posts as languages lessons are acceptable too in this channel...arts and cooking, I see it is...

 9 months ago (edited)

Everything that is entertaining to others but most of all to you can be shared.
I already gave my cake to Italy these entries aren't my favourites mainly because of all the codes I have to type.

It's not about words only or in the first place but what fills us withjiy or makes us enjoying ("wasting"?) our time with.

I'm in for language lessons if it's entertaining and we actually learn something. For example "memorize" is a great way of learning.

Thanks for finding time to stop by and your besf wishes my dear friend.

 9 months ago (edited)

Which codes do you have to type in the Italian community? I didn't understand very well, but hoping I can help.
The language lessons would be at first for beginners, thinking on starting with my qualification language that's Spanish, maybe Portuguese too, that became my second mother tongue. Good night dear❤️

Ps.: I just had an idea, as I have just seen the posting rules: teaching languages through creative writing/comedies/stories, as I yet did to teach Spanish to my nephew and my nice 8 years ago...

 9 months ago 

I meant the codes for justyfing text.
< center>
< br>
< sub>
</ div>
and so on it's endless

I think it's a great idea!
I'm off to bed, my finger hurts pluss I'm bitten allover by mosquitoes.
Let's hope I won't wake up like the hunchback of the Notre Dame.

Sweet dreams. Take it easy.

Oh, no, mosquitoes are so insufferable! My aunt also faces the matter to be severely bitten by mosquitoes. Doesn't the insects repellant work?

 9 months ago 

No nothing seems to work.
Before babies worked fine and men but my son hides in his room. He doesn't like to be bitten either.
I think the one or two trying to pierce underneath my foot died. How in need must they have been to pick me.

The wasp attack hurt but I used ink on it and that helped a few hours later pain and everything was gone. I try the ink on these bites too but no result.

My son read a hot spoon helps. My skin nearly burned but the bite was still there. Heath does relieve because I put my foot in a bucket of hot water and I felt no pain or itching for several hours.

Now I am the ink spot lady... I colour every mosquito bite. 🤣🤣🤣

Nobody likes to be bitten by insects...🤣🤣🤣At home, it's my husband he should hide, as mosquitoes prefer to bite him than me🤣🤣🤣

 9 months ago 

Babies and men are always favourite 😁

😁😁😁😁My aunt is their favorite too😁😁😁😁