Comment Contest | Your Favourite Youtuber

in Knack4buzz2 months ago (edited)

Assalam O Alaikum

I am fine and I hope that you all will be also fine.Today I am going to organize a contest with a new theme in the Knack4buzz community.The theme of the contest is to tell about your favourite youtuber in the Comment Section. So without wasting any time lets get into it but before that I am eagerly waiting for your entries.

favourite Youtuber.png

Contest Theme
  • Tell us about your favourite Youtuber.
  • Share a link of his any video which you like the most.
🏆Prize Pool🏆
🥇 1st2 Steem Power
🥈 2nd2 Steem Power
🥉 3rd2 Steem Power
Contest Rulese
  • Subscribe to the Knack4buzz community.
  • The picture should be original or the proper source should be mentioned on the free image.
  • All the entries can be submitted in any language.
  • Upvote and Reesteem this post, don't forget to follow me.
  • Your comment should be under this post.
  • Their is no specific tag for this post because this is Comment Contest
  • Add my username @muhammad-ahmad in your comment.
  • Any kind of Plagirism or AI is intolerable.
  • Invite at least 3 friends.
  • Commenting on other user's posts increases your chances of winning.
  • Winners will be announced after the payout of this post.


➡ Steem-Kitchen Team:

◉ Admin: @sahar78
◉ Admin: @khursheedanwar
◉ Mod: @wakeupkitty
◉ Mod: @jannat12
◉ Mod: @muhammad-ahmad

CC: @disconnect




Salam Qureshi is a famous YouTuber of Pakistan. He is the only YouTuber who makes video on crime and investigation. He is covering the most famous crime like murder kidnaping and robbery. He is doing Wonderful work in his field. It is tough and life threatening job. I salute Salman Qureshi for doing this. He cover interview of police and criminals as well as the incident family. He bring he reality and truth to public.
Crime investigation and doing inside story on social media is a tough work . He has really wonderful team for all this to cover in many cities .
After seeing him many new YouTubers come into this field . Some his vlog are really sad and can't see a depression person. But he shows the cruel reality of the area. And give awareness to people how to be safe .
Thanks @muhammad-ahmad to giving opportunity to writing here.

 last month 

This sounds interesting! There are so many youtube canals. What is it he does that makes the difference from other YouTubers like those diving into scammers and trying to solve murders? Does he investigate how the police work or not do the job? We had a Dutchman very famous for it. I believe he was a former police officer and was unsatisfied about how the police worked. He started investigating himself, talked to victims, found the eyewitnesses, and the perpetrator even after many years. He had a TV program as well. He felt like a pitbull hanging in your leg. Hard to get rid off.

 2 months ago (edited)

Atta halilintar bersama istrinya Aurel Hermansyah sedang melakukan siaran grebek rumah (putri ariani)

Waduh.... saya harus gimana ya? Jika anda bertanya tentang youtuber favorit saya, jujur tidak ada karena saya kurang mengikuti tentang semua itu,

Dulu sih saya suka melihat youtuber Indonesia yaitu atta halilintar,tapi bukan juga favorit hanya sekedar tahu saja,tapi sejak saya bergabung di platform steemit ini saya jarang sekali membuka aplikasi YouTube kecuali ada hal yang harus saya cari, seperti lagu disaat saya suntuk.

Atau bahan lain yang memang saya butuhkan, selebihnya saya membuka aplikasi fizzo, WhatsApp, dan platform steemitl. Mungkin sesekali memeriksa akun tiktok saya atau Facebook itu pun hanya memeriksa notifikasinya saja.

Saya juga ingin mengundang teman-teman saya @ulfatulrahmah, Bu @sumarni123,@bahrol, bagaimana pendapat anda apakah teman-teman mempunyai youtuber favorit?yuk berbagi cerita disini. Terimakasih buat teman @muhammad-ahmad yang telah menyelenggarakan kontes komentar yang sangat bagus, salam.

Hal yang sama juga berlaku bagi saya. Tidak ada youtuber favorit yang saya ikuti, tetapi saya mengikuti beberapa orang karena alasan yang berbeda dan bukan karena saya tidak sabar menunggu sampai mereka mengunggah sesuatu yang baru.


 2 months ago 

Ya begitulah saya.... ternyata anda juga sama ya, saya pikir hanya saya saja yang tidak punya youtuber favorit, saya juga sering mendengar teman-teman saya bercerita tentang youtuber yang mereka ikuti, karena tidak nyambung ya saya diam saja dan mendengarkan mereka bercerita, saya juga tidak mau sok tahu pada hal-hal yang sama sekali tidak saya ketahui

Terimakasih atas undangannya Bu @suryati1. Insya Allah ikutan.

Waalikum Salam @muhammad-ahmad may ALLAH ALMIGHTY help you in all ways of life.

Dhruv Rathee is my best YouTuber , he has 27.1Million users . One of the highest followers YouTuber having 666 videos in his YouTube channel untill I am writing this comment. His videos are on reality and analysis basis. I think he has the best searcher's team for analysis any topic before making a video. Like video I have shared here "Reality of Life" is about how life start n earth . He give analysis of different theories about life on earth by searchers and history professors. He analysis from the millions of years before life on earth. Same way his every video is on best way to tell detail in simple words that everyone can understand.
He is basically from india and most followers by any YouTuber in India.
I followed my friend @blue0 @menaalfy @saleembk


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Thank you for your valuable efforts! Keep posting high-quality content for a chance to receive more support from our curation team.


Thank you so much dear @kouba01 for considering my post.It means a lot to me.THanks

 2 months ago 

Your contest topic is interesting. Let's see interesting entries.
Kind Regards,


Yes Dear

 2 months ago 

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 2 months ago 

I rarely use YouTube and if only if I want to search for some info that fits to my text or a short film. There's no one I like that much that I would like to watch him/her over and over again. The average person I don't find interesting.

I followed some people who showed how to crotch, sometimes I watch ol comedians back and there was a lady who is cleaning filthy houses which I followed. Good artists?
Am I subscribing to some canals? I did. Sometimes out of favour, at times just for a particular song.

The last one I subscribed to is "Go Master" who shows how to play Go.
I just noticed that my watch history is from December 30, 2018 , Ringing of the Bells - The Muppets.

Let me share this one with you. These are wolfhounds - pups. I guess I am my own favourite (never present) youtube-star?

Not allowed?
I pick: Simon's Cat


Hi @muhammad-ahmad. Thanks for bringing this updates here. Today is my first time applying for this in this community. The name of my favourite youtuber is the Trust with an handle name 👉 @dtrusttv.


He is a motivationalist. He speaks about love. Marriage. Education. Growth and other kind of motivation. He has 24 subscribers. He is working hard to see His YouTube channel grow. His username on #steemits is @deetalka6.

Link to his channel: dtrusttv

One of his video titled: Socialization: the second secrets of Personal development Source has helped me a lot in building relationships and learning how to relate or interact with people of different classes. @dtrusttv seeks for more subscribers into his channel. Please let's supports one of our own build his channel.

I invite @bossj23, @ngoenyi and @goodybest to participate

 last month 

I forgot to comment and tell you I watch the latest video of your hero. I also let my children watch it and this must be a huge culture difference since even my son said that it is women unfriendly although we understand the comparing with a product. Remarkable I find that this product is said to find on the internet "even on TikTok". It says a lot about how the heashunting is done
Why not mention you can find your product (typical focus on the woman as being the product) in the streets, on the market, on the beach, in the bus?
If it comes to the youth the best advise is: don't get married at a young age better live a life and save first.


Thanks for revisiting my products and dropping your mind-blowing ending supports. I really appreciate

@nemerem01 thanks for choosing me as your famous youtuber. I intend to reach my subscribers even as I consistently update the world on certain needs for growth