 last month 

Isn't that what exactly what art is about in musea, what we see in the city park, the photo expositions? Should everything be explaned to make people see what noticed? It's the same with stories. Where did that need to add a conclusion about what a story is come from? I only see it here on Steemit and I hate it. It's up to a reader what the story is about, that is what art is about.

Thanks for your entry and a great Sunday.

I couldn't agree more. I am not in favor of that platform stigma that posts will less than n (250, 500, 1000, whatever) number of words is called low-effort automatically.
Nobody knows better than me how much time, efforts, learning curve and money I invested to take a certain photograph.

My spirit is now better! :)

 last month 

Exactly and the same counts for poetry. I always fought it. There's no point in typing words, repeating the same sentences just to have the minimum of 550 words, 95% doesn't read anyway. Since I came back, November 23, a lot has changed. To me it's a good place to be. I write what I like and don't feel the need to join all those always the same contests.

It's good to hear your spirit is better, just search for what fits to your niche and above all do what you like most.

That's a really good advice! :)

I try to do what I like in RL so why should be this virtual space of mine being any different, right ;) I post about stuff that moves me, always. :)

 last month 

That's all what counts and it won't cost you more time if you are a SteemAtlas ambassador since through what you post you are the examples of what a post can look like.

Congratulations to you friend