Comment contest//Best advice I have ever received//10 SP prize 🏆

in Knack4buzz2 months ago

Assalamualaikum steemians

How are you?Hope so everyone would be safe and sound just like me as I am also safe Alhamdulillah....

Today this is I am organizing another interesting contest so that I may see some of the most interesting entries.


Hints you should follow

- Share in comment section of this contest about best advice you have ever received and that you still remember

Rules you have to follow

Here are a list of guidelines that you have to follow for participating in this contest!!

• Your comment must be original and must be steemexclusive.

• Your comment should contain minimum of 50 words.

• AI generated content or plagiarized content is strictly prohibited (In case of any of misconduct you could be muted from community)

• Your post should be very creative and according to the rules and questions I am providing above.

• You must be in any of the club (Club5050 , club75 , club100) to be eligible to participate in this contest.

• Mention my username @khursheedanwar at least one time in your comment.

Contest deadline is from: 10th August to 17th August.


Results would be announced after payout of this post.

Prize distribution

1st place2 SP
2nd place2 SP
3rd place2SP
4th place2 SP
5th place2 SP

Waiting for your interesting entries





Best advice? Mind your own business would make a good one but it's saving for that rainy day and... don't share. My mom always fought the "sharing part" and it's a good advice. You can't share what you don't have or can't miss. Also never borrow anything! Those who borrow have nothing and won't pay back. They don't care, believe you are rich can miss it. All you get is a ton of excuses. It's frustrating, makes mad and kills family bonds and friendships. Both fake cause paying back is a decent thing to do.

@wakeupkitty @jiva34 @rashid001

I love the first piece of advice! As for the second, I have to admit that, unfortunately, I've always followed the philosophy of "mi casa es tu casa," sharing what’s mine with others. Over time, though, I’ve realized that your mother was right. Sadly, I think it’s too late to turn back now. Some things you do naturally and innocently, despite the setbacks you encounter. If it’s in your nature, you’ll keep making the same mistakes, but I’m trying to work on this, to be better prepared in my next life.


 2 months ago (edited)

You mean like 'mind your own business' or saving like the grasshopper while you are the ripped off backstabbed ant? Or are you the creative musician not appreciated?


The perception of not being recognized drives me to constantly improve, but I realize this can turn into a vicious cycle that may lead to nothing positive, or perhaps it might. However, I believe that who we are depends solely on ourselves: if we give our best, we should feel satisfied and fulfilled, regardless of how others perceive us. Your reference to the fable made me smile, it was by Aesop.

Riscoprendo Esopo nel 2024: Un Futuro più Sostenibile.

 2 months ago 

The question is: who should recognize you? If that doesn't happen... indeed you can try to improve but to what point? An other option is to change the 'environment'.

If it comes to a business for example. You can keep trying to make that client happy or say: Sorry, I can't help you this is not what I like to sell, this isn't me.

Op elk potje past een dekseltje

The moral of the fabel changed as time did. It wasn't about the hard working ant but the unappreciated artist.. Strange, how we are still fighting to be noticed.


Awesome. Right on target, especially the "not borrowing" part. To lend is to lose... Thank you for mentioning this contest to me.

Great, you joined!

The best advice I received was from my friend Corrado: "Don't put off until tomorrow what you can do today." When I was overwhelmed with tasks, he suggested tackling things immediately to avoid accumulating stress and disorder. By following this advice, I found greater peace and organization in my life.


@impersonal @eskarem @chathu13

Ofcourse indeed ✌️

You’re welcome👍

You have shared a very valuable advice with us. So thank you very much friend for inviting me to such a valuable contest. God bless you.🙃

I'm glad you understood the value of my advice and found it helpful. I truly hope it will assist you in managing your time.

 2 months ago 

I learned that too but it only works if my instinct tells me to do it now. If I ignore it there's a blackout, no water and so on.


In this case, I'd tell you not to drink today what you can drink tomorrow


 2 months ago 

What if there's no tomorrow? Shouldn't I drink my beer, skip the chocolate and save the whipped cream? I don't think that's a brilliant idea.. My instinct tells me to take it now!

Wie dan leeft, wie dan zorgt!


¡Saludos amigos!👋🏻

Aquí les traigo mi participación, espero que los disfruten mucho abrazos.

Comparte en la sección de comentarios de este concurso el mejor consejo que hayas recibido y que aún recuerdes.

Mi mamá es una mujer la cual siempre me aconseja de todo, y me dice que siempre tengo que tener en cuenta eso ya que alguno día lo voy a necesitar. Uno de los mejores concejos que ella me dió fue el siguiente: "Hijo, no dejes tus metas atrás para que otras personas sean felices, el futuro es tuyo de más nadie, tu tienes un gran futuro por delante, asi que no los dejes por otra persona. La verdad que este concejos se me ha quedado hay por mucho tiempo.

Saludos cordiales para @khursheedanwar.

Invitó:@solperez @joshdavid @eglis

Este es un buen consejo, pues implica quererse a uno mismo y tener presente nuestras prioridades. Me encantó leerte. Ya estaré haciendo mi participación. Suerte.

Hola Luis, que buen concejo te ha dado tu mamá, ellas siempre quieren lo mejor para nosotros, hazle caso siempre

Your mom is right! It's your life, your call. No way you can ever please someone. Life to many is full of regrets, worse blaming others for what you missed.

Best advise I have ever received:
It went something like this. I was confused about what to do. Should I stay at the company I was working for or leave and relocate.
My boss told me: "I'm going to tell you what my father told me, 'Whatever decision you make it will be the right decision, because you made it.' "
Thank you @khursheedanwar.

You know what? That is the best and most supportive advice. Great boss you had.

Yes. I had a lot of respect for him. He was like a big brother. I did leave and my life changed drastically... whole new direction... new horizons... Stay well, friend.

I hope a positive horizon. A good day!

The horizon keeps expanding. Even now. My suspicion is it's unlimited.

That's super!

After reading through most of the comments on this post, I have found out that there are more advice received from people by theur lovely parents. Our Parents are known as our societal pillars.

Obviously, the best advice I have received in my life was that my mom gave to me when I was about to enter the University. It was few days to leave home and as it was the first time of which I was going to be far from home for months. She had me sit down before and the first few words she said was

"Remember The Home You Came From, Your Background, Family, Religion and The Kind Of Companions You Keep".

She talked mainly about never forgetting the home where I came from meaning, I was not meant to go out and spoil the image of the family and therefore be of good conduct which will bring glory. Most importantly keeping friends, she told one thing which was "Friendship Is Not By Force, Love Everyone, But Trust No One"... Whenever I tend to go astray the voice of my mom rings in my head and I amend my ways which has helped me a lot.....

Thanks for reading

 2 months ago (edited)

Did she mean to say that? It sounds more like: don't think you are better than us because you can study.

We live in a small world if we only hear advices from mom. Teachers are not impressive that's clear.


Mom is always mom; who could give you better advice? Of course, my mom might not be the best example, as she probably left her maternal instinct back in the pediatric ward.


 2 months ago 

I know plenty of people like the housekeeper, my uncle, a good friend, a neighbour, the librarian and the teacher history.

Sounds as if we share the same mother,maternal instinct is more frequent absent as we think.
A 🤗 and ♥️ for you.

Assalamualaikum Warahmatullahi Wabarakatuh

Terlebih dahulu saya mengucapkan terimakasih banyak kepada @khursheedanwar yang sudah mengadakan comment contest yang sangat menarik ini.

Hal ini adalah hal yang insha Allah tidak akan terlupakan dalam hidup saya karena saat itu merupakan saat yang menyedihkan untuk saya.

Bagi seorang ibu, kehilangan atau keguguran bayi/janin yang dikandung pasti sangat memilukan hati.

Saat itu saya tidak mengetahui kalau saya sedang hamil dikarenakan memang siklus menstruasi saya yang tidak normal tidak seperti wanita biasanya. Dan ketika itu, kegiatan saya lagi padat-padatnya. Selama seminggu itu, waktu dan pikiran saya tercurahkan pada tugas dan tanggung jawab saya di sekolah. Sampai pada akhirnya saya mengalami pendarahan yang sangat banyak dan saat saya mengunjungi salah seorang dokter spesialis kandungan, saya baru mengetahui kalau saya baru keguguran.

Saat itu saya merasa dunia saya hancur, tak henti-hentinya saya menangis menyalahkan ketidaktahuan saya.

Di tengah-tengah kesedihan, suami saya dengan tabah menasehati saya supaya belajar mengikhlaskan apa yang sudah terjadi karena yang Allah SWT berikan adalah pilihan yang terbaik untuk kita. Kita sebagai umat manusia tidak tahu yang terbaik untuk kita dan hanya Allah SWT yang mengetahui apa yang terbaik untuk kita.

Setelah mendengar nasehat dari suami, saya mulai belajar mengikhlaskan dan saya berdoa semoga saya bisa berjumpa dengan anak saya di syurga kelak.

Saya mendoakan semoga semua ibu-ibu di dunia ini selalu sehat dan bahagia.

Wassalamu'alaikum Warahmatullahi Wabarakatuh


Best Advice i have received?
My father told me "my son, the spirit of wisdom is key to a glorious destiny that's what makes the difference in the lives of men. Don't be concerned about what people will say or think about you, focus on your potentials, greatness is in you. Don't let anyone make you feel less important because the force of life is hope; if you lose it, you are gone. Choose wisdom and fear God which is the beginning of wisdom please my son".

Thanks @khursheedanwar for this contest and for making me recall the Advice of my father today again

Hello friends.How are you?

I hope you are safe and healthy. So today I thought of coming to you with a very beautiful comment.

First of all, I would like to thank you for organizing such a competition to create dear @khursheedanwar, such a valuable opportunity

So far in my life, I have received a lot of advice. Actually, when we were born into this world, we were born without understanding about anything. But as we grow older, we try to make our life successful with the advice of elders, the victories and defeats we have gained in life. So in my life too. A lot of people have given a lot of advice. So, one advice that is firmly in my mind is what I have mentioned below.

I really love my Grandmother very much. She always gave me the necessary advice to make me a good citizen of the society. She taught me the way to win in life. She taught me how to successfully face the obstacles that come in life. So she has given me a lot of advice. And the advice that I felt strongly was "Sudu, when we respond to another person's actions, try replacing that you in that think like that and don't hurt someone else. Always compare yourself and get rid of wrong actions." I felt it. Today I have become a character that everyone loves because of her. I will explain that saying with an example. Before insulting someone, think about how you would feel if that person insulted you.

So I would like to invite my friends mentioned below to share your valuable ideas with us♥️

@huraira50,@enamul17and @danish578

So guys, I will stop here now. So I will say goodbye for today, hoping to meet again with all.🙃

So as always,I am very thankful to all of you who read this post of mine, to the owner of the you tube channel who got the information to refer to the steemit platform, and the everybody who encouraged me with words and gave votes and comments for my posts.

 2 months ago (edited)

Good advice but you can't walk in someone else's shoes.

We have the idiom "Wat hij niet wil dat u geschied, doe dat ook een ander niet"

It's a bad idiom. You attract bad, manipulative, abusive people with it. You have to know when to say NO and you should not accept everything, set boundaries and treat those well who would do the same for you.


cc dutch idiom @ibesso

Thank you for your valuable ideas dear.♥️
What I really mean by that is "If we always replace ourselves with someone else, many bad things in the world will be reduced. For example, if we feel like talking disrespectfully to someone in the middle of a crowd, then if we replace ourselves with that person, it is very easy for us to escape from those bad deeds.🙃♥️

 2 months ago 

I understand the idea but doubt it will work. The worst people are those polite in you face and gossiping behind your back or backstabbing.

I rather hear: I don'tike you.

The best advice I have received is from my lovely mom that I should be good to people around me even if they are doing me bad, that I should not pay evil with evil, that I should act like I didn't see what they are doing.

I should always be at the right place at the right time, I should always greet people who are my seniors, I should always respect people, and also I should always show good example to people and also I should never fight over anything...

I should always helps the old ones because their prayers works a lot and also I should read my books and becomes someone great in life..

Inviting @bonaventure24 @onomzy001 and @eveetim to join me on this contest..

 2 months ago (edited)

Look the moms are the ones giving the best advices. Cool but you gave a long list! Just one, the best advice!


Best Advice

  • The advice from God; Allah speaks to us in the Quran about treating people. It's about Zakat(charity).

Zakat should be paid yearly, by rich Muslims to poor Muslims and poor non-Muslims.

Zakat is to be collected from the rich Muslims and to be spent on poor people; the poor should not pay Zakat. It is a type of tax which is collected from Muslims only in Muslims country, 2.5% percent is taken from the wealth of rich people.
*At first it was tax collected from the rich Muslims and spent on both Muslims and Non-Muslims in the time of Prophet Muhammad(PBUH).

  • It is great advice to help humanity not just one type of religion and one category people.