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RE: Comment contest!//Sad music genre

in Knack4buzzlast month

Lagu dengan syair yang sedih penuh dengan kerinduan akan kebahagian, kebahagian yang telah di rampas. Semoga kesedihan ini akn mendapat kebahagian suatu saat nanti.

Lagu ini akn mengurai air mata berjatuhan bagi pendengar yang menghayati dan merenunginya.


Yes, and when you listen to this song, you feel deeply connected to your country, with a longing for freedom for all nations still under colonization

 last month 

Itu sudah pasti, semua insan mengharapkan kebebasan dan kedamaian

i have another music: = = > 'give us our childhood': it takes you on an emotional journey, its touching melodies capture the innocence and wonders of youth, while evoking a deep sense of nostalgia for a time untainted by the conflicts of the adult world.The music comes across as a heartfelt plea for the preservation of all that is pure and good in life.
Description of 'Give Us Our Childhood
Give Us Our Childhood is a deeply moving piece about innocence, nostalgia and loss. Its melody weaves a tapestry of emotions, from the joy and freedom of childhood to the sadness of growing up in a world that sometimes seems unfair and cruel. The music reminds listeners of the purity and beauty of youth, often overshadowed by life's challenges, and seems to carry the voices of children demanding the happiness they deserve.
Listening to a child's music is like waking up - recognising the imperfections and injustices of the world, but also inspiring a desire for hope and change.