Entertainment for one is the nightmare to many
If you attend pakistani weddings and see how people dance all night a day before wedding during a function called mehandi you will experience a real entertainment for sure😂😂😂
They turn on the music and play filthy songs( i find them) and dance onthe floor(with the resolution to break it).
The houses nearby get second hand entertainment or irritation (if they are sick or sleep by 10pm).
I happened to be a part of this circus a decade ago but now it all feels soulness and a burden for my heart and brain.
Now i judge people who fancy this type of entertainment.
Serial killing is entertaining to some though no one will write about it in
My goodness i just finished a novel in my local language. There was a serial killer but he didn't get much screen time but he actually killed the main lead.
O man, it was traumatic and disturbing. It has inflicted new fears inside my heart. It has made me scared of men. So It can never be my entertainment.
About that black hole
The man was shocked to believe it at first or was he drunk?🤣
But when he pulled the chocolate out of the hole i fell for it.
What if we can pull books and clothes using it?
However, when it engulfed the man entirely i was like no thank please, ok bye 😄
He should have stuck to the chocolate🤣

I think he didn't read any moral story like greed is a curse in his school🤣
I believe he always has been the underdog. The way he looks and it feels he's the only person still at work. More likely he has been bullied a lot and greed? It feels to me he sacrificed himself the biggest part of his life and never been rewarded for it. It's what life looks like if you are a good worker. Abused by your employer and the system. You see them take the profit while you shrink every day a bit more till the opportunity is given to....
The mistake? He better would have kept that black hole and went for the free food and extras. It's like those scammers/hackers taking 5 cents of millions of account over night. It's rarely noticed but together it's a fortune gathered within a few hours of time.
Crazy man, doing extrashift to pay those bills he has exceeded to fit in the society and to please others or to fulfil his family's demands or it is just the way of life(some people suffer while others make them suffer).