How to open an online store on Steemit (United We Stand)

in United We Stand4 years ago


Friends, it seems to me that earning Steem on Steemit will be much more difficult in the future. If you blog as an individual, we have to compete with huge communities right now. I think that in the near future it will be possible to earn money on Steemit not only from the bloggers' reward fund, but also by creating online stores.
Write in the comments if you have any ideas.

Friends of our community

@stef1 @mister-omortson @rafk @sheshe12 @technicaldaku @ander04 @maulanamale @hamdain @kingdomntuk @shailendrasolu


Buena idea amigo te ganaste mi voto

Gracias por la atención

Para eso somos comunidad apoyarnos

This is a nice post but I would also want to learn more about it since am also interested. I would be glad if we shared numbers and discussed more about this and how to grow much on steemit at large.