The 8th anniversary ended, appointing new office bearers.

in Steem Sri Lankalast month (edited)

In our housing scheme, we maintain a "Ladies Society.". Yesterday was the 8th anniversary of the society. On behalf of that, we organized Dharma Deshana and Buddha Pujava on the premises of a welfare society.

After the Dharma Deshana, we were provided with a tea treatment. For the tea, we gave sandwiches, cutlets, and bananas. A lot of residents of our scheme participated in listening to Dharma Deshana. Many participants offered pirikara to the monks after the Dharma Deshana.

It was standard procedure to select new office bearers for the next year. The main meeting for that took place today at 4:00 p.m. on the premises of our society.

For the meeting to select the new office bearers, a quorum is required. We could choose the new office bearers since there was a quorum.

As per custom, the chairperson welcomed all the participants and requested to observe Pansil to start the meeting. Then, the secretary read the minutes of the last committee meeting. After proposing and seconding the minutes, the treasurer presented the budget for the previous year to the meeting.

Next, the current office bearers resigned and requested to appoint new office bearers.

One of the ladies proposed my name as the chairperson for the next year, while the other lady seconded it. I was against that because I had no time to fulfill the duties of the chairperson. Therefore, I requested to propose another lady for that post. With my great opposition, they proposed another lady to that post.

In this way, the secretary, treasurer, vice chairperson, and vice secretary were appointed. Finally, I had to accept the vice chairperson post.

Next, the previous chairperson thanked all the members for the support given to her to continue her work. The secretary and treasurer also thanked them for the support extended to them to fulfill their work. The new office bearers also requested the same support from the attendees to continue their duty smoothly.

All the members were requested to attend every meeting. At the end of the meeting, we enjoyed a tea treatment with patties, buns, and bananas.

The meeting ended at about 5.30 p.m. and the attendees departed in a cheerful mood.

Thank you for reading my post.
