777 CHARLIE (2022) - Kannada Film

in Steem Sri Lanka3 years ago

Okay so my girlfriend finally managed to make us watch a movie that she suggested. Last time we did that, mcu movie Shang-Chi was a big letdown, so the ball was in my court up to now. Not anymore though, now she got a say. Because with a dog story, there is a very low possibility to go wrong.


777 Charlie, is a Kannada language film from India. This too had one of my main concerns towards Indian movies, the long runtime, 2hrs and 43 mins. Most Indian films that have remotely interested me to give a try have this thing as common, having a running time from 2 1/2 to 3 1/2 hours. This case has made me stay away from most of them, as my past experiences had made me think that this is a result of unnecessary dragging in Indian films, obsessed with giving most to the audiences, content quantity-wise.

777 Charlie, is not too far from that either, to be honest. Given that of a Dog story, many many movies come back from your memory. Ever since our childhood, we have watched dog movies, and cried sometimes too with their emotional output.



The thing is most dog stories are alike, only some of them have tried different things. 777 Charlie, it brings in almost all the elements that you've seen before. So it's nothing you haven't seen before, but the execution is done well enough. Despite feeling like some scenes were trying too much and only added to please the audience, the long runtime does not make it a bore for a moment.

The highlight, is the Dog, of course. The training it has been given trying to create an emotional impact on the viewer is impressive. Fluke, Napoleon, Balto, Skipper, Hachiko, and now Charlie. The dog gang.

Charlie, is of the dog breed named Labrador Retriever. The same as our Heidi was, Both being female too. So, you know.



However, in the plot, Dharma is a young man who lives alone and away from socializing with loss of his family, and a welder in a big-scale company. He goes home after work, eats Itli for dinner, and likes to watch Charlie Chaplin films. One day, his life changes when a stray dog comes to his doorstep.

Despite having a ridiculous IMDb Rating of 9.1, 777 Charlie is another decent dog movie, waiting to be watched by every dog lover.




Despite having a ridiculous IMDb Rating of 9.1,

It's not ridiculous! 😒