Vegetables are very tasty to eat and also beneficial for us.

The safety of residents living along the river is in jeopardy due to erosion, which has caused significant damage to the village. Potatoes, a versatile ingredient, are easy to cook and can be featured in numerous dishes like fried potatoes, potato chips, potato salad, and potato curry. Hockey originated in India, but it is believed to have been developed in both Pakistan and India. Winter is universally cherished for the unique joy it brings, evoking a sense of love that feels nostalgic. I enjoyed taking photos of grass in the sunlight, especially relishing the pleasant morning weather that is absent during other seasons. Winter days promote better health and well-being.



I am passionate about hockey, and although it appears to be just a game, it can also be seen as a vibrant celebration when viewed from a different perspective. Potatoes are a staple in our cuisine, allowing us to create various dishes that other vegetables cannot replicate as well. The river's erosion destroys farmland, leading to decreased crop yield and financial hardship for farmers, which in turn drives up vegetable and crop prices due to the reduced supply.