My Motivation and Pressure In Steemit.



Hi friends, I'm glad to be part of this contest, every user blogging here has their sources of motivation, we all have one thing that pushes us to join Steemit, and that Same thing keeps us here, or maybe we later find something intriguing that keeps us till now. There's a saying that nothing good comes easy, so we all have pressure too and I'll share mine with you today.

It's not easy to be a blogger, that's why we all need motivation and encouragement to keep on, at first I didn't believe a platform like Steemit existed. I was sceptical due to my previous bad encounters with so-called online scam platforms but I joined though after good persuasion and here I am addicted to the platform. Let me answer the guiding questions.

If You Have To Be Honest! How Many Hours Do You Spend On The Steemit Platform Every Day? What Is Your Average Income For The last 7 Days? And, Does The Amount You Get Match Your Expectations?

To be sincere, I can't tell the exact hours I normally spend each day on the platform, because I am normally busy here, either creating content, moderating, curating or verifying posts. I did other things too, because I'm a mom and I have a life outside here both social and spiritual, maybe on average I'll say I used to spend 8 hours a day on the platform.*

I normally spend 2-3 hours creating posts, 8 -10 hours curating posts on my Curation day, 4 -5 hours on the day I work in the Newcomers' community this includes Making video calls with some, 3 - 4 hours to moderate and review posts in the community, this is it.


Well, I'm expecting to earn at least 300 SP and 300 liquid tokens weekly, that's just a target and to be sincere it is not easy to reach, for one thing, no SBD reward for now but I normally try my best, I mean I'm not in a competition with anyone but myself just trying to be better than yesterday. Sometimes I do earn 200 Steems, some 100+ and others even less depending on how active I was on a particular week and how much support I got but in all I'm grateful because gratitude is a must and being thankful is my biggest source of motivation, I never take what I have for granted.

What Post/content Themes Do You Master And Do You Enjoy? And If You Think Your Content Is Very Interesting, How Will You Feel If Your Work Doesn't Get Upvotes?

I like joining engagement contests, I write diary and health posts too coupled with creative contests. I'm versatile when it comes to content creation, I do like art but nowadays time is so limited that I don't know if I'm the only one who needs more than 24 hours a day.

Sometimes I'm stressed out, keeping up with house chores, taking care of kids and creating content, but I love it here that's why I tried to be active weekly. To be frank, I don't used to have support in the diaries and I feel maybe others don't find it interesting. Well, I feel that an upvote is a kind of encouragement to tell a users that he/she is doing great. Sometimes I do create top-notch posts and I'll get more positive feedback but no reasonable vote, well, I still carry on because an Upvote is not guaranteed. I don't usually have high expectations when I create posts because there's a wise proverbs that "expectations postponed makes the heart sick" I don't want to be disappointed I'd rather be taken by surprise!

How Do You Motivate Yourself To Stay Consistent On The Steemit Platform For The Long Term?

For one thing, I know Steemit is a genuine platform, I trust in it, and I'm always motivated by this, earning in cryptocurrency is lucrative now because of the high rate of Dollars. I'm on my own here, I don't follow after the crowd I do things my way. I could recall a year when my country's people had massive Power down, coming up with different excuses and reasons, I wasn't shaking because I did my findings and stood my ground.

Steemit team support is my source of motivation too, it keeps me going and makes me feel relevant and encouraging comments from fellow users too, Then I used to recount all my blessings here and tell myself, Steemit is one of the best!

What Are Your Strong Reasons For Choosing Club 5050 or Club100 Status?

I've been in club5050 for some months now, well I used to be in 75 until the pause on Tron. Being in this club has allowed me to use my money for some things like purchasing my data subscription, and buying things for myself and my loved ones. To be sincere tasting the money is also my source of energy here, Nigeria's economic condition is deteriorating would I say hourly so my earnings here have helped ease some of my house bills.

What Valuable Items Have You Bought Or Want To Buy With Your Steem Earnings?

I've used my reward to buy some beautiful kitchen utensils before but right now I'm saving so that before the end of this year I will gather whatever I have and give it to my husband to add up and install solar energy in our house. I've learned about the importance of solar here and have been supported by a lot of projects on solar so it will be nice to contribute to mine.

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I like Steemit, I learn daily here and there are no competitions, and we're not forced to do anything rather everyone is working at his/her pace. We only need time, motivation and encouragement which normally comes in various ways. Nothing is smiling now, even working-class people still need a side hustle to level up and Steemit can do just that. Being consistent is the key to success on Steemit, hi @eliany, @mesola and @mdkamran99 join this contest.

 last year 

Hey there! 🌟 Wow, what a journey you've had on Steemit! It's amazing to see your dedication and passion shining through in your words. 😊 Let's dive into your story!

First off, I totally get it about being sceptical at first. There are so many platforms out there promising the moon and stars, it's hard to know who to trust. But I'm so glad you gave Steemit a chance and found your place here! 🚀 And as a mom, I can only imagine how busy life must be for you! Kudos for balancing it all and still finding time to contribute to Steemit. 👏

Your transparency about your time spent on the platform is refreshing. It's clear that you put a lot of effort into creating, curating, and engaging with the community. And your commitment to self-improvement, aiming to be better than yesterday, is truly inspiring! 🌟

It's also great to see your versatility in content creation. From engagement contests to diary entries and health posts, you cover a wide range of topics with finesse. And your positive attitude towards upvotes, seeing them as encouragement rather than entitlement, is so refreshing! 🙌

I can't help but admire your resilience and determination. Despite the challenges and stresses of daily life, you keep pushing forward, motivated by the genuine opportunities Steemit offers. And your decision to invest in solar energy for your home is not just practical but also environmentally conscious! 🌞

Thank you for sharing your story and inspiring us with your journey on Steemit! Keep shining bright, and may your efforts continue to bear fruit for you and your loved ones. 🌟💖 Wishing you all the best on your path ahead! 🚀

 last year 

What a jaw dropping comment! Aww 🥰 I'm humbled by your thoughtful and sincere commendations, and what more can I say? Thank thank you 🙏

 last year 

Wow 😲 I'm humbled by your thoughtful commendations! Thank you so much for visiting me, I appreciate!

 last year 

Saludos amiga me encanto leerte realmente es asi Steemit es una plataforma en la cual no hay competencia y no se exige que debemos hacer aqui cada persona es libre para hacer sus post y pues y ver cuanto tiempo dedica, lo que si es cierto es que Steemit es una plataforma muy fidedigna y segura y yo estoy feliz de formar parte de ella te deseo mucho éxito amiga.

 last year 

Thanks dear, I'm glad you like my post and I appreciate your support!

 last year 

Hello friend

I'm glad you shared your entry with us, you stressed how long you spend on the Steemit platform ranging about eight hours or less in an average. Spending about two or three hours making posts and some other hours curating and verifying posts on the platform. You stressed how much you you have a life outside thr platform ranging from spiritual to otherwise as a wife and mother. You have good rewards but also it motivates you to get better on the platform. I model you must times my dear friend. Thanks for sharing such Interesting article with us and success in the challenge my dear friend

 last year 

I'm glad that I can be a source of motivation for person like you thanks for visiting me

 last year 

Pleasures once again.

 last year 

Hola amiga

Qué buen camino el que lleva usted trazado aquí en la plataforma aunque se esfuerza mucho pasa muchas horas revisando publicaciones veo que le va muy bien sobre todo porque cada día sigue aprendiendo más.

Es también lo que yo quiero por eso sigo progresando forzado me por hacerlo mejor posible me alegra que con sus recompensa allá obtenido algunos utensilios y te reuniendo para utilizar energía solar esa también sería una buena opción a quien mi país porque se va mucho la electricidad.

Suerte en tu concurso


 last year 

Hi dear friend thank you so much for engaging meaningfully on my post, I appreciate your nice commendations!

hey dear goodybest Your article and hard work on the Steemit platform are truly admirable. Balancing motherhood daily responsibilities and consistent engagement on Steemit reflects your strong commitment. Your versatile content creation spanning from engagement contests to health and diary posts showcases your creativity. It's inspiring how you navigate challenges and stay motivated seeing Steemit as a genuine platform and finding encouragement in comments and team support. Your decision to save and contribute to solar energy for your home is commendable demonstrating a thoughtful and impactful use of your Steem earnings. best of luck in this contest too much great work🌟🚀

 last year 

Thanks for your wonderful commendation dear, I'm encouraged and I hope to be successful with my plans.

Upvoted. Thank You for sending some of your rewards to @null. It will make Steem stronger.

 last year 

¡Holaaa amiga!😊

Te confieso que quedé perpleja con la cantidad de actividades que realizas en la plataforma porque, de ellas puedo tener una noción más clara de cuantas horas le dedicas y, me quito el sombrero ya que, es bastante.

El club5050 me gusta mucho porque, es una oportunidad para usar el 50% en nuestros gastos fuera de la plataforma y, el porcentaje restante, va directo a nuestro crecimiento así que, es un club equitativo.

Te deseo mucho éxito en la dinámica, un fuerte abrazo💚

 last year 

Awww 🥰 thank you so much dear friend! I'm humbled and encouraged at the same time, I appreciate your visit.

 last year 

Walaupun terkadang reward steem yang kita dapatkan lebih sedikit dari ekspektasi kita, namun kita juga harus selalu tepat semangat karena usaha tidak pernah mengkhianati hasil. Semoga kita terus sukses saudari

 last year 

You're absolutely right 👍, thank for engaging meaningfully on my post.

 last year 


Steemit can be a nice place if you bump into the right people or feel rewarded for your hard work. It's a real energy kick.
Do not forget to live, there's a world outside.

All the best 🍀❤️

 last year 

Smiling 😊, thanks for visiting me!

You are welvome 👋