A Homemade art gallery of pieces from yours-truly!

in #hive-1294964 years ago

Hello my artists and art observers, today I’d like to show off my one-woman art gallery of art I’ve made in the past few years! So, feast your eyes on this online art tour!

First we shall start with the classics!

Best friends .jpg

Above is a picture of two best friends I drew on January 11, 2019 and then I redrew their heads on top of them a year later on august 15, 2020.


This is a drawing of an eagle I drew while I was having a rough time in middle school. I drew him on January 11, 2019, the same day as my ‘best friends’ picture. (I was excited to draw in this drawing notebook as I was recently given it in from my generous art teacher in 2019).


Now here is an Illustration I named ‘yes?’ since that is the expression I felt the woman in the picture had. I remember starting to draw this piece with no clear vision of how it was going to look, and that is the facial expression I ended up with. From the looks of it, this librarian has a lot of work to do!


And here’s Rock-pup! He’s a puppy in a rock band with his sister, who I can’t seem to find the picture of right now. Anyway, when he closes his right eye, you can see the full star mark, which appears to be mysterious birthmark…

He was created on January 7, 2019.


This is a re-drawing of a drawing I did of a cat girl in the woods. I call it "Wilderness" made January 25, 2019.


I don’t know if you can read the title of this one, but I call this one ‘the CAKEtastrophe!’ Get it? Because the little sister ate her older sister’s birthday cake and… okay I’ll let the picture speak for itself. Date this was made: February 9, 2019.

Now onto the more recent illustrations!

Cyan, Royal, and Sky.jpg

This is a picture of some of my original characters, Cyan, Royal and Sky Blue. The three sisters are telling stories late into the night with a lava lamp to give them light!

Celest early sketches.jpg

These are a few early sketches of Celest, a character in the comic I’m working on called BLACK HOLE. I’ve finally gotten the script ready, let's hope the drawing part goes smoothly!

the Looby .jpg

This is the picture of the Lobby in Larch’s new home in my online story ‘THE OTHER LIFE’. I accidentally spelled ‘Lobby’ as ‘Looby’ and only noticed that after I had drawn and colored the whole picture. Oops!

TOL home layout.jpg

And here’s a picture of what Larch’s family apartment looks like in his new home! It’s a bit hard to see the details in this picture, but the living room is in the middle at the top, and in the back is Larch’s parents’ bedroom.

Akasi running.jpg

Here is concept art for Akasi, a girl in my children’s-book-in-progress ‘IMAGINATION’. She’s running from another kid in the park, or that was the idea.


This is supposed to be a street in paris. one day i just felt like drawing Paris, France and started to draw a street, noticed I kind of overlapped the sketch, then kind of gave up on the whole thing. the picture above is what it turned out to be.



Two drawings of the same couple holding their child, I wanted the father to symbolize the sun and energy, while the mom to symbolize the moon and rest. I think it turned out pretty decent.


Some of my mother’s cool bath bombs she made sometime last year. I don’t know if I helped her make these one’s, but they still look awesome.

And lastly, BEHOLD: the pictures of stars I drew for my science project! I believe I wrote about the life cycle of a star. Let’s see if you can put together a star’s life by the pictures down below, but be warned! it isn't exactly in order!

white dwarf star.jpg

Huge red star, at the end of it's life.jpg

Center of mass.jpg

Super Nova.jpg


Nuclear fuel against gravity!.jpg

Gold, Oxegen, Hydrogen,....jpg

And that’s it for my one-woman art gallery I made from home! Please tell your friends about this gallery and upvote if you enjoyed this.

Kwaheri! (by in swahili!)