
And your cleverness paid off. Sort of. 😅

 2 months ago 

I would have like an extra couple of hours of cleverness 😆

Alright, I’ll hold off on answering for a few more hours 😅

But I feel there’ll be no need, since Round 2 will definitely be a hell of a challenge!

 2 months ago 

I hope so. I’ve not tested my questions in ChatGPT yet which could require some tweaks!

When steemcurato did the flash quiz over the summer, I was getting them too quickly so thought I’d be kind and wait. Somebody else would invariably answer it within 2 minutes of my act of kindness so I stopped doing that!!!

You’ve got me so hyped for Round 2...just get on with it! I’ll decide then if this round deserves an act of kindness from me 😆

 2 months ago 

Most of my ideas for questions aren't Google Proof!!

It's tough to come up with something that aren't google proof. Q2 & Q3 can easily be googled - just a quick copy and paste. Q1 is the ideal since google could not provide some specifics, so one has to dig a bit more.

I have a question, though. What if someone identifies a connection that differs from what you initially found - would you consider it, or is it fixed based on what you came up with and what suited you?

 2 months ago 

Ah, but is Google’s answer specific enough… or in one case, the link that I’m looking for?

I’m looking for a specific connection. There might be another connection but for each question, I have something specific in mind.

For example, they might all have train stations, or baseball teams, etc. and if that’s what I’m interested in, it’ll be that the train stations are all called “/city heights” or the baseball teams are all named after the state’s national bird. Or maybe they hold a record for most lost Superbowls.

would you consider it, or is it fixed based on what you came up with and what suited you?

So to answer this, it’s fixed to my initial thought process.

 2 months ago 

would you consider it, or is it fixed based on what you came up with and what suited you?

On this, I might add a hint which will resonate with the answer.

I’ll update questions 1 and 2 this morning and reset everybody’s attempts.

Question 2 might not be as straightforward as Google might suggest (assuming it gets you close).