๐ฎ SEO Optimised Game Review: LA Noire on Xbox 360
I've been wanting to write this post for a long, long time but have always had something more important to do. Even tonight, I still have more important things to do but I haven't done them, I've finally got around to writing some content (that isn't about steemit.com) instead! (I've scheduled that in for tomorrow.)
SEO & Steemit
Over the years, I've shared some opinions on SEO and why I've felt that Steemit hasn't ranked as highly in recent years as it did in the past. Particularly around how the introduction of communities has affected the URL and made it less SEO friendly.
It's a dilema for authors. They could write to their blog and increase their chances of being seen by the world (particularly with Google) or they could post in an appropriate community and be seen by a wider audience on Steemit. One will benefit the platform more, the other will benefit the author's wallet more.
So with this post, I'm highlighting that I've done both.
I've written a game review for LA Noire on Xbox 360 which is more SEO friendly (including the creation of a dedicated SEO friendly account) and telling my trusty followers and NO community members that I've done it.
Whilst I optimised titles, URLs, image names and alt tags to a reasonable level, I didn't go "all-in" on the content because I wanted the article to still be (at least) a semi-decent read.
Call to Action
Because the post is intended to be more SEO friendly, catering for users who find it through Search Engines, I've included a call to action to guide the user to their next step... hopefully registering on the platform or alternatively, reading some of my other articles on gaming. Hopefully one day in the future, I'll receive a comment from some random who's here because of it.
Here are my other articles that I linked to:
- 02/10/21: ๐ฎ Game Review - "Simple Story - Alex"
- 19/07/21: Gaming Nostalgia || Amiga Power Top 10 (1991)
- 03/07/21: My All-Time Top Video Game (Part 5)
- 26/06/21: My All-Time Top 20 Video Games (Part 4)
- 14/06/21: My All-Time Top 20 Video Games (Part 3)
- 03/06/21: My All-Time Top 20 Video Games (Part 2)
- 28/05/21: My All-Time Top 20 Video Games (Part 1)
I honestly think that My All-Time Top 20 Video Games articles are some of my finest work. I'm also shamelessly linking to them in the case of further increasing their SEO rank.
The other article required too much of my brain power so apologies if this one feels more hurried than it usually would.
I'd love to hear your thoughts and feedback and if you have a moment to write an SEO optimised comment which includes the key words:
- LA Noire
- Game Review
- Xbox 360
in no particular order. That would be wonderful.
Here's that link again:
๐ฎ Xbox 360 Game Review: LA Noire
You have done it! You used the NO community! So beautiful! But wait a minute... Wasn't a NO rule โNO postsโ?
Shit, we haven't even written the rules yet. We should do that quickly!
But fortunately - as you can see - everyone knows one rule: NO comments... ;-)
I can't say much about the SEO thing. I think you're doing a good experiment right now.
Unfortunately, I can't say anything about the content of your other post either, because I've never played consoles in my life. Or is the Gameboy a console too?
Amiga 500... nothing else... ;-)
Not writing in a community you can neither mute nor mark (historical) spammers...
I was going to reply to your comment with:
NO comments
But you already thought of that ๐
I've started to wonder, particularly with my dev updates whether anybody reads what I write any more. Maybe it's not just what I write. Je ne sais pas.
I'd say a Gameboy is a console. To be more specific, it's a Handheld console. Is that what you're still playing?
My Amiga 500 is at my mum's house. Part of me doesn't want it back because I fear I'll be disappointed when I play something.
Yes. That's annoying too. He was history for a few days but unfortunately, he is present again.
Zwei Doofe, ein Gedanke.
Well, unfortunately many of us have to ask ourselves this question. Yes, I'm one of those Doofe who read. I even try to understand your developer reports. I don't always succeed, but I put the words together into a text by reading (pure technique).
Phew, reading really takes a lot of time! If you're constantly having to read rubbish that steals your time, you might get the idea of giving up reading completely. That's right.
NO, NO, NO...
To be honest, I never played much with the Gameboy either. I didn't even own one, it was too expensive. Later, I played on my friend's son's device. Very little. Tetris... ;-)
Ah. Naturlich.
I sometimes read too. I even try to understand your sheep reports. I don't always succeed, but I put the words together into a text by closing my eyes and guessing.
Did you see my reaction to one of the 1st progress reports posted in the Newcomers' Community? I was so annoyed at the person wasting my time that I let rip on them. They didn't reply.
After you drew my attention to it, yes.
You know, I just roll my eyes. I read so much filth, I see so much abyss that my head is completely full, almost aching. So full/filled that I don't want to write anything under my friends' critical posts. I could become unfilthy. Simply because I can't deal with the sh... anymore.
I haven't stepped into the โhoney trapโ sc. On the contrary, I have always endeavoured to tell everyone that we are the community. But who listens to me? roarrrrrrrrrrr...
atego listens... or do you listen to him? ๐
Drei Zoofe.
I read and between the lines + I have a nasty habit to read on which takes a lot of time.
We have a large collection of consoles, game boys included. Some two or three times because each child is the owner of... The plus is it's all still used... daily.
Tetris I played too. The last cheap china device I threw away. Fun was Duck Hunt.
A good last week and merry christmas. The gaming tournament ends today in the community Italy. ๐คฃ

Great idea. Unfortunately, we will not be able to evaluate how effective this is, since we do not have access to any statistics of page traffic.
Unfortunately I can't write a good comment about the game since I haven't played it and I've never seen Xbox 360 live ๐
Some interesting observations so far:
For the search term "LA Noire", other Steemit articles rank higher.
For the search term "LA Noire Xbox", my article ranks top.
For "LA Noire", my "SEO Optimised..." article ranks highly whilst the actual article is nowhere to be seen.
Presumably, the page steemit.com/@the-gorilla has some decent SEO strength, having been actively updated for many years. Whereas the new account doesn't have any strength yet.
Removing the "site:steemit.com" has them ranked so low, I've not found them yet. "Xbox 360 Game Review: LA Noire" without the quotes isn't in the top 10 pages. With the quotes, it's 1st.
As you know, Google search results are affected by many factors, including region, so we can all get different results. I think you will be interested to know what I got.
For the search term LA Noire, I can't find your article.
For the search term "LA Noire" (with quotation marks) your article is also not visible.
It's the same story with the For the search terms LA Noire Xbox and "LA Noire Xbox".
For the search term "site:Steemit.com LA Noire" your article is on the 4th place, but as you mentioned, it's not a review, it's an article you wrote from your main account.
For the search term "site:Steemit.com LA Noire Xbox" your review is in 2nd place and the article written from the main account is in 3rd place.
If you search for:
"Xbox 360 Game Review: LA Noire"
With the quotes - does it rank 1st (even without the "site:steemit.com"?
Yes, your review is at the top of the search results (1st place). ๐
Unfortunately, this isnโt the kind of article that will get a โโ search but itโs promising nonetheless. Definitely something that I can work with ๐
Interesting. It's my first result in google and presearch. Doesn't show up at all in Bing or Brave Search (even with +site:steemit.com).
If it comes to search results I can only see old Steemit posts 6-7 years old

I agree with you @wakeupkitty. When I google something, I also mostly come across old Steemit posts. @the-gorilla has already investigated this issue and found the reason. When communities were introduced, the search engine-obscure prefix hive-xxxxx was added to the URL of each post. Therefore, if you want your article to be found through a Google search, then it should be published on a personal blog outside of any communities.
Good piece of info. I tested it with those in fifferent continents and in a few others all content can be found! So the only reason I can think of is that we are restricted. Google doesn't show us everything plus messages are deleted same for X and so on. The new EU law makes it worse since we should be protected against fake news because we are too stupid to think (words of our former PM).
I noticed this phenomenon a few years after I joined. @joslud tried out some things as well and I believe it worked for him as the first hashtag was posted as one of the first in the text (underneath the first picture for example).
I go give it a try today. Thanks for the update!
A good week / Christmas

Hmm, thanks for the interesting and useful information. Happy holidays!
I can get a rough idea by seeing how it ranks:
If it does well with (1), then weโll know itโs worthwhile.
Itโs significant effort though. I should edit and make a few tweaks to give it a boost.
The initial result is interesting and totally unintended!! See what result you get.
I usually search with duckduckgo.com.
Unfortunately, I can't find your article on the first two pages there. I tried it with "" and without and with additional "steemit".
Interesting... it looks as though the page hasn't been indexed at all. In fact, not just that page. Only 1 page has been indexed in the past month!
I wonder what makes this page special?
Oh, that is indeed surprising... Perhaps not the first choice of Google alternatives after all. :-(
I don't know, but you know: SLC is the new Challenge ;-)
BTW: Have you seen my new issue yet? https://github.com/steemit/condenser/issues/3932
Ah yes, I did see it. I think philhughes had the same issue when updating a community recently. Fingers crossed it's an easy fix - it should be really.
Auch mein Favorit beim suchen , die Ente ๐ฆ
Splendid, your write is perfect and wash to go through. In as much as the write up is readers friendly, I will still like to read more in order to understand the SEO & steemit format. Congratulations
I've just seen your description - professional mathematician... what does that entail?
Reminder to self: Finish playing this game. ย ย ย ย ย ย ย ย ย ย ย ย ย ย ย ย ย ย ย ย ย ย ย ย ย ย ย ย ย ย ย ย ย ย ย ย ย ย ย ย ย ย ย ย ย ย ย ย ย ย ย ย ย ย ย ย ย ย ย ย ย ย ย ย ย ย ย ย ย ย ย ย ย ย ย ย ย ย ย ย ย ย ย ย ย ย ย ย ย ย ย ย ย ย ย ย ย ย ย ย ย ย ย ย ย ย ย ย ย ย ย ย ย ย ย ย ย ย ย ย ย ย ย ย ย ย ย ย ย ย ย ย ย ย ย ย ย ย ย ย ย ย ย ย ย ย ย ย ย ย ย ย ย ย ย ย ย ย ย ย ย ย ย ย ย ย ย ย ย ย ย ย ย ย ย ย ย ย ย ย ย ย ย ย ย ย
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