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RE: 👍 Weekly Downvote Compensation Post - Target: $33.99

I was wondering about your last post. Oh dear, those old accounts that have bothered so many people. I also had the “pleasure” a long time ago.

We should create a way to restrict such obviously harmful accounts, e.g. if 17 Witnesses agree, certain rights such as voting, downvoting, posting can be withdrawn from an account. This would probably require a HF to be made...

Anyway, I wish you good nerves and I will of course support you.

 8 days ago 

I was wondering about your last post. Oh dear, those old accounts that have bothered so many people. I also had the “pleasure” a long time ago.

And I wonder how many others had that "pleasure" who are no longer with us.

We should create a way to restrict such obviously harmful accounts, e.g. if 17 Witnesses agree, certain rights such as voting, downvoting, posting can be withdrawn from an account. This would probably require a HF to be made...

I'll leave it for one of our Witnesses to reply to this bit.

It doesn't require a Hard Fork.

 8 days ago 

Eine Softfork ist absolut ausreichend für die Zwecke, ein Konto von bestimmten Aktionen auszunehmen.
Wenn man weiß, wo man suchen kann, findet man den Code dafür auch :-)

Die betreffenden Personen fanden ihn auch, und zwar ziemlich schnell, was uns sehr gewundert hat...

Die Idee, dass 17 Witness zustimmen müssen und noch einiges mehr an "Drumherum" war vor ca. 2 Jahren ein Vorschlag von symbionts im damaligen Blurt-Witness-Kanal auf Discord, von daher kenne ich die Idee. Interessant, dass dies (wahrscheinlich schon damals) im Code vorhanden ist.

Die meisten DVoter die ich mir kurz angesehen habe, voten mit delegierter Power, d.h. nach einer Sperrung gibt's evtl. nen neuen Account und dann geht die Geschichte wieder von vorne los. Man müsste das Übel an der Wurzel packen und Delegationen für solch spezielle Acc sperren. Ok, bringt auch nicht viel, wer unbedingt Schaden anrichten will macht nen PD und nach 4 Wochen geht das Theater mit einem neuen Acc weiter.

Eine Strategie alla "don't feed the troll" wär mir am liebsten, leider habe ich zur Zeit keinen Plan, wie der aussehen könnte.

 7 days ago 

ein Vorschlag von symbionts im damaligen Blurt-Witness-Kanal

Diesen Ansatz hat er uns auch erläutert. Seine Idee ist noch ein wenig anders... dynamischer... erfordert aber tatsächlichen eine Hardfork.

Es wurde mit den Delegationsinhabern auch schon Kontakt aufgenommen. Im Moment hat das leider kein positives Ergebnis gebracht. Wir werden sehen... es wäre nur schade, wenn der Gorilla oder andere bis dahin unter die Räder kommen.

 8 days ago 

We know that the code exists...

If that is possible why didn't it happen years ago? It feels as if it's no problem that smaller account s are attacked and I had those "great" experiences back then as well (including to the far from attractive comments left behind).

Good question, to which I have no answer. Maybe the reason was that this solution would be time consuming for the witnesses and the blocked accounts could reappear with a new name. It would be an endless game.

The result was that many left and this still happens which isn't great for many Steemians who have to deal with it alone and will not find help. Italy has shield-it for the community.. it might not help everyone but what if there's a community where those who are attacked can post once or twice per week and the downvote can be compensated with the same amount? It will not help with every post but at least some growth can be realised and not every upvote given is lost.

@inspiracion @chriddi

Italy has shield-it for the community.

What do you mean, shielding against downvotes from certain accounts? It would be nice if that were possible.

but what if there's a community where ... downvote can be compensated

Hmm, interesting idea. As you say, enough trouble has been caused and I know it from my own experience, which fortunately dates back a few years.

But I think and am optimistic that a solution will be found by our Witness. We'll see...

The community Italy has @shield-it. If someone posting in the community is downvoted they upvote with the same amount. It's every week the same story. In turn we are all downvoted because???

We could do the same with a separate community and delegate SP or if not enough transfer Steem or what is possible.

The best would be that if we mute someone we can also not give and receive upvotes/downvotes.