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RE: 👍 Weekly Downvote Compensation Post - Target: $33.99

in NO Community7 days ago

Thanks for taking the lead on this. I've also been dealing with this person for a long time. @spaminator had been downvoting all my posts since day one, and now I'm in negative rep. Could you lend a hand?

 7 days ago 

They've asked you to stop mentioning them so my 1st suggestion would be to "stop mentioning them". If somebody's downvoting everything that you do, then unless you want to piss them off, then why wave a flag that draws attention to yourself??

I know that they're massive dicks and it's great that they've created their own platform where massive dicks can rule, but even in this comment you've tagged them again, which is pretty stupid.

Okay, so basically, I just joined Steem, and posted my first thing about the atrocities of Israel in Palestine. Boom! This dude just came in and nuked it with a massive downvote.

Then, like, every single day after that, I'd post again, and he'd just crush it again with a 100% downvote. Seriously, every. time.

Finally, I got fed up and started calling him out, tagging his name and asking others for help. He then whined about me mentioning him and threatened to downvote me into oblivion, like, down to negative 10 rep.

Look, I'm willing to stop mentioning @spaminator if he just stops the downvotes and puts my rep back where it was before he started this whole thing (around 30).

 6 days ago 

Then, like, every single day after that, I'd post again, and he'd just crush it again with a 100% downvote. Seriously, every. time.

Yeah, he's a massive cock. I know that, you know that, his boyfriend knows that and there's a decent chance that his subconscious knows it too.

Look, I'm willing to stop mentioning @spaminator if he just stops the downvotes and puts my rep back where it was before he started this whole thing (around 30).

He obviously won't do that.

From what I can see, he's too busy jerking off over my profile to have bothered downvoting you recently so why are you trying to antagonise him?

From what I can see, he hasn't downvoted you since his obsession with me began.

So my question to you is:

Why do you want him to downvote you?

Oh no! No more downvote please. I'm really hoping he stops downvoting me. I just want him to fix the damage he did to my reputation.

I saw what you're doing, and you seem way more influential and powerful than @spaminator on this platform. Could you maybe ask him, or even push him, to put my reputation back to how it was? Thanks a ton.