No Quiz? - NO Wördel!

⏸ Short Pause
NO community is shocked: The reliable quizmaster of the Steemit Quiz 2025, which has been established for five weeks, has announced without further explanation a (well-deserved) break for this weekend. Hundreds of users are left knocking on closed doors, only to find out with disappointment that there will be NO new questions on Saturday and Sunday. So now what? A weekend with NO guessing is something NO community can (not) endure! NO administration must come up with something. But what? After all, we don’t want NO competition. Good advice would be expensive, if there weren’t, well, if there weren't the equally famous and popular blockchain version of the word-guessing game Wordle™.
Since I personally developed the option to play this game on Steem and created the modified rules myself, I have NO need to worry about copyright violations when I borrow Wördel from “my” community. Now, since I have to act very quickly, I need to fall back on tried-and-true methods because one thing is crystal clear: NO guess, NO fun!
We play Wördel according to the succinctly summarised Wordle™ rules.
The implementation of the game as an exclusive Deutsch Unplugged blockchain variant is completely unplugged - i.e. handmade - as follows:
- Five-letter words are being sought. These were determined under notary supervision and sent as an encrypted message to @chriary.
- You grab one word comment (downstairs in the comment section) and guess any five-letter word.
- The referee marks the letters as follows:
- Letter crossed out: Letter NOT present in the searched word.
- Letter in italics: Letter present in the searched word, but not in the position.
- Letter in bold: Letter is present in exactly this position in the searched word.
- In the second turn, you must now use the information you have received to combine another five-letter word.
- Five moves are possible according to exactly this scheme, the sixth word MUST be correct at the latest.
- Example:
Play 1 - EQUAL. Referee:EQUAL
Play 2 - BUDDY. Referee:BUDDY
Play 3 - UNITY. Referee: U N I T Y - Yeah! - Each player guesses his/her word (first come, first served...) until the end, the referee appears at least once a day.
Of course, there is something to win in this game as well! After all, DUBby, our payout bot developed by witness @moecki (vote for him here), is part of the game.
- Every participant who guesses a word will receive a share of the rewards for this post!
- For "fine-tuning," I will spread a few higher comment votes.
Wördel Rules
Five-letter words are being sought. These were determined under notary supervision and sent as an encrypted message to @chriary.
You grab one word comment (downstairs in the comment section) and guess any five-letter word.
The referee marks the letters as follows:
In the second turn, you must now use the information you have received to combine another five-letter word.
Five moves are possible according to exactly this scheme, the sixth word MUST be correct at the latest.
Play 1 - EQUAL. Referee:
EQUALPlay 2 - BUDDY. Referee:
BUDDYPlay 3 - UNITY. Referee: U N I T Y - Yeah!
Each player guesses his/her word (first come, first served...) until the end, the referee appears at least once a day.
PLEASE... If you have an automatic browser translation running on your phone, the formatting of the letters (bold, italic, crossed out) is not always displayed. To confirm, go to the original article, PLEASE...
Word 07
Huch, was sehe ich da... Eine gelungene Symbiose beider Communities. Gute Gelegenheit und noch bessere Idee... 👍
Jo. Die Güte der sowie die Resonanz auf die Idee wird sich erst noch herausstellen, die Wahl deines Wortes ist aber durchaus fast
I DE ALHm, ich weiß nicht so recht. Vielleicht ist es doch nur ein dünner...
Wahrscheinlich. Dafür aber mit einem weiteren schrägen Ableger...
B O U GHDer kommt bestimmt von...
🏆 3 Attempts
!DUBby 10%
Boah, das hätte ich nun nicht gedacht. Selbstverständlich von Herzen...
Verzeih' bitte das Editiere und Gelösche. Ich wollte die Abschlusskommentare nochmal DU zukommen lassen, dann ist mir aber aufgefallen, dass nur der Autor selbst DUBby befehligen darf...
Ui, das hat ja gepasst! Die Vokale waren zwar geklärt, aber der Rest...
Ich hatte erst überlegt, ein Wort mit Y zu nehmen (wegen der Häufigkeit), habe mich dann aber doch (zum Glück) für das Herz entschieden :-D
Ja, DU hätte hier nix zu sagen :-)
Word 01
I will start with today's word in NY Times' Wordle...
I did not solve the riddle today (only the German version) and think they have chosen a hard word...
HO N EYI'm not a NOBEL player.
Sure, L-O-N-E are the letters that Event-Horizon has already figured out.
She has chosen Word 01, this word belongs to her.
If you want to play along, only Word 08 is still available.
And always remember: We are looking for a word with five letters...
Though... nice to see you - hope, you are fine... 😊
LG @chriddi
Oh, I missed that, didn't check someone has secured that.
Imm'a give a try in another one.
Thank you, atleast today...I'm good.
Another round will come, just stay tuned.
Good. It's an art to be able to enjoy good days in a sea of worries. I think a lot about you and your family. And about your typical saying. "Better days ahead!" Just believe in it yourself and it will work... 😘
Word 09
And to make another first step:
A VENOkay. I had a long break today. But let's have a look...:
Ah, Sherlock Rave might have an early success with four almost correct letters in
TMay be...
Jo! Even looks like a high
🏆 3 Attempts
!DUBby 10%
Word 03
Ah, the exclusion strategy for which there is a pretty perfect word:
A D IE UOh, thank you!
Well... how's the HOUSE ?
How is it? I think it is the second to last step, the
HO U S EWell, hopefully this will be the final answer, and I'll go with MOUSE. ^^
I think it could be MOUSE
Word 05
L O V E RUuuii! Das war arg daneben
Dann versuchen wir es mal mit einem Lächeln.
HA, HAAA, nun aber...
P P Y🤔
Dann versuchen wir es mal mit etwas Musikalischen wie Singen
Okay... Dadurch verschieben sich die beiden Anfangsbuchstaben, aber du wirst schon eine ausgeklügelte Strategie haben... :-)
CH ANTDie Verschiebetaktik war nicht schlecht - immerhin haben wir folgende Ausgangslage:
Versuchen wir es mit den schlechten Gewohnheiten.
Da muss ich eine Nacht drüber schlafen...
Word 02
Give me POWER
You've got the
P O WE RBut only those with enough MIGHT can control the power, can't they?
Oh yes, you are right, it is indispensable, the
M I G H TAnyhow, I feel very LUCKY today!
At least I love your strategy that will make you
L U C KYUh..! suddenly I'm in an awkward position now, is it
Word 06
I hope this choice won't come back and HAUNT me
At least you're on the trail of one letter with this
H AUN TI still have guesses left, so no need to PANIC yet
Did you read the rules? In my last answer, H, A, N, T were crossed out, which means they are not present in the word I'm looking for. The U, on the other hand, was printed in italics. So there is a U in the word I'm looking for, just not in the 3rd position (like in "HAUNT"). You're right, you have six attempts to find the word. So don't
P A N ICI did but my brain was slow to process 😂
Okay, now you have taken the right course, so please don’t
R S ELooks like I’m not very LUCKY with my choices
Word 08
Hmm...I'm gonna try
Ah, welcome! Yes, yes, as a dino expert you need to keep a clear head, stay sober and drink
WAT EROh, yes, I've drunk plenty,
Each sip a weary trial,
But never faced a
I recognized the first dinosaur immediately, but I was too late once more (age...) and when it was published, I was sitting in the waiting room at the eye doctor (age...). I passed the second dinosaur around in my family again, but nobody knows any songs from the 90s (age...). No, in me you won't find a
I VALAge isn't the heart of the matter,
Time and chance happen to us all.
I just happened to pass by, then linger,
Right at the doorstep of the quiz master.
A '90s kid, yet unsure,
The second 🦕 still obscure.
I'll have to try a different way,
For clarity to light my way, I pray.
This might not work, but still, I vow,
If it does, you'll be PROUD somehow.
Dinosaurs are cool, but not my all,
If sound won’t guide me, I let it fall.
Yet knowing you so young and keen,
Who rhymes and knows where dinos’ve been,
Who's wordplay keeps my old mind loud,
That makes me truly
PRO U DI find this quite amusing, Chriddi,
Engaging in wordplay with me.
Stuck with no luck, I toil all day,
This word has no vowel, except for A!
Yet still, of me, you are proud,
I think I hear my heart beat loud.
With this, my next word I’ll bank
If I fail, don’t be sorry; just keep your words
Word 10
I VALUE having a game that I can play from my phone 🙂
Oh, nice to see you taking a pause from the pause...😎
V A L UEWe’ll be heading home soon 😊 Busy weekend with extended family. Got a few 200 million year old souvenirs.
Let’s try EMPTY
Ah, on the way home. I wish you little traffic, hope the roads are
M PT YI'm home now, the journey was as good as can be expected 🙂
Ok, let's RETRY with the word RETRY
This word seems to be a good guess but please
RE TRYOh no. I don't like it when I know 3 of the letters and the last letter has many options. It makes me want to get my TEDDY bear to comfort me.