
I would love to reply but somehow, I shrunk the reply box and...never had that happen before:

  1. Sorting mechanism, votes gathered against a poster, repetitive? A one time thing?
    A) Accidentally downvote: I have big fingers and on a phone those are small buttons and close together. When that happens, I then go back and change my vote. It also happens that sometimes the amount voted switches to one percent or some other number I didn't want to vote and so I go back in there and revote.
if(downvote == true)
   string_or_ratio_of_up_down_votes = First_sort_returns_ratio_of_up_to_down_votes(string_or_id_of_down_voter);(Or writes in db)

Was going to do more but the reply box is still only four lines through it shrunk to two.