Steemit Learning Challenge-S22W5; Golfer's Elbow"

Hello my steemian friends,

This is my participation in the contest” Steemit Learning Challenge-Steemit Learning Challenge-S22W5: Physical Therapy Intervention: Golfer's Elbow organised by @ashkhan adminin Steem Physio & Rehab

I read this course very carefully and also watched its videos carefully, there is no doubt that the teacher of this course has very deep knowledge of the subject, and her way of teaching is also very interesting and easy to understand, I am sharing my experience and knowledge here as per her syllabus.



What is golfer's elbow? Write in your own words after gaining knowledge from the lesson post.

When the tendons around the elbow joint become inflamed and cause inflammation of the tendons on the central part or epicondyle of the elbow then it is also called epicondylitis.

These symptoms can be classified into 3 categories based on the severity of tissue damage, tendinitis, tendinosis and tendon rupture. These conditions are caused due to hyperflexion of the wrist and elbow joint in golfers.

We can establish this disease due to the following common causes:

Such as overuse or repetitive use of the elbow joint in golfers, moving the elbow to the opposite position, any injury in the elbow joint, wear and tear in the shoulder and its surrounding area, aggravation of old injuries,Poor posture can also be a cause of this.


Most sufferers have pain and tenderness, swelling or redness on the middle part of the elbow and swelling on the middle part of the tendon.

These cause a decrease in strength, weakness or fatigue in the elbow joint and the joint is affected. Numbness or tingling sensations are also felt in the finger and wrist due to muscle weakness and nerve compression. The sufferer starts feeling a decrease in his playing speed due to stiffness in his elbow and difficulty in bending the wrist.

We have divided golfer's elbow into three forms,

In the mild form, there is swelling and inflammation around the elbow area in the beginning, but there is mild pain and stiffness in the elbow joint.

In the moderate form, the patient will feel moderate pain and stiffness in the elbow area and activities of daily life start getting affected.

Ignoring these early and moderate symptoms leads to moderate pain and stiffness around the elbow, making it difficult for the sufferer to perform daily activities, and his gripping power starts to decrease, this condition becomes severe.

Generally, the symptoms of golfer's elbow last for 1 month or less after the onset. But after this, they move to a severe stage, in which symptoms like pain and swelling can last for more than 1 month.

How do you diagnose golfer's elbow? Any diagnostic tests or evaluation tests?

A thorough examination by a trained doctor or physical therapist is required to diagnose golfer's elbow. X-rays, ultrasound and MRI are necessary to assess arthritis, any tendon rupture and muscle damage. But in special circumstances, EMG and NCS may also have to be done.

Medial epicondyle test is also done by physical therapists, the elbow is bent at 90 degrees and the wrist is extended, pressure is applied on the medial epicondyle, in this test if pain or tenderness is found then the test is positive. Kozen's test In this test the patient's elbow is bent at 90 degrees and the wrist is extended with resistance, if there is pain or tenderness then the test is considered positive.

Valgus stress test, in this test the patient is made to sit and the physical therapist tries to push the elbow outwards by supporting the elbow and if the patient feels pain then the test is considered positive.

Try to practice at least 3 exercises learned from the lesson. Share images.

I have learned a lot from the course taught by the respected teacher @ashkhan and by watching the videos shown, and accordingly I would like to share some videos of myself practicing 3 exercises to treat golfer's elbow. And I am enclosing three videos of Exercises .

Ball Squeezing

Video link

Wrist Flexors Stretch

Video link

Forearm Suppuration & Pronation

Video link

I also want to invite here
@josepha @dove11 and @suboohi

Thanks for reading my post, I pray to God for the progress and happy future of all Steemians.

With Great love and honour,



You have explained everything well and displayed it through your text and videos. I wish you success in this contest!

Hello Sir,
I am happy that you have appreciated my efforts. I do not have much experience in this subject, but the teacher of the course has presented the subject in a very simple way which inspired me to do this homework.
With respect and regards.

Thank you for understanding the lesson and sharing your assignment; I hope that you will enjoy this week's lesson and try to implement it in your life if you see any such case.


Task 1 (3/3)
You have shared a great knowledge about golfer's elbow, its symptoms, causes and it's stages. I appreciate your effort.

Task 2 (2.9/3)
In the second question, you tell us about how you have to assess a patient by doing physical examination, history taking, and investigations. That's good you add special tests and also explanation of both special tests and investigations. But it would be better to add the EMG & NCS explanation. Great.

Task 3 (3.5/4)
You try the ball squeezing, forearm supination & pronation, and wrist flexors stretch. You did the forearm supination & pronation correctly. But in ball squeezing you have to squeeze the ball not just extend & flex the fingers, in wrist flexors stretch place your hand more in mid way rather than on the fingers for better stretch. Always remember to apply heat pack in chronic condition and ice pack in acute condition before performing exercises to relax the muscles and reduce stiffness. I appreciate your efforts.

Overall you made a great attempt to answer all the questions. I appreciate your efforts. But next time try to avoid the above written suggestions. Keep learning and try to implement your knowledge to the people suffering from golfer's elbow or any type of elbow issue. Thank you.

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Thank you respected ma'am, @ashkhan

I had told you earlier also that I am a big fan of yours that is why I read your course very carefully, and I also participated in course 3 and I made a lot of mistakes in that, but you still gave me more marks than I expected.

I was unable to participate in course 4 because I was on a foreign tour. I paid a lot of attention in this course and did not repeat the previous mistakes. But as far as the ball squeezing exercise is concerned, because I am not a trained doctor like you. And this ball was a bit big and was not able to fit completely in my hand, and if I practice as per your instructions then I will be able to correct it.

Still thank you from the bottom of my heart, you have raised my spirits by evaluating my effort very beautifully and better.

With respect and honour.

My pleasure. Keep trying and improving yourself. Did you suffer from any disease? Because I think you're sick as shown in the videos. You should concentrate on strengthening exercises for your better health.

Not at all ma'am, just 2 days ago I returned from a trip to a country with a temperature of minus 15 degrees, and for your information I am 64 years old. But I do not have any disease. I am still fit and fine. I run my 2 businesses myself. I myself have taken voluntary retirement from the post of "Administrative Officer" from the medical department and am fulfilling my passion of writing and doing business.
Thank you very much for your concern.

¡Holaaa amigo!🤗

Nuestro cuerpo, es un templo para nosotros. Por ello, debemos hacer lo elemental para protegerlo de las afecciones... Entre ellas, está el codo de golfista y, considero interesante resaltar que esto no lo padecen solo esos deportivas sino que, nosotros también lo podemos padecer si descuidamos esa área.

Te deseo mucho éxito en la dinámica... Un fuerte abrazo💚

You are right friend, @paholags
Our body can get injured due to any reason. We have to be careful about it.

Thank you very much'