Steemit Learning Challenge-S22W3: Physical Therapy Intervention: Trigger Finger

in Steem Physio & Rehab3 months ago

Hello, everyone; we are here to share the contest for week 3, Steemit Learning Challenge season 22. I am grateful to all the users who participated in the previous week and supported my course, and thankful to the Steemit team for this opportunity. I invite all the users to share their unique participation and try to gain maximum grades to get selected as the winner of the Steemit Engagement Challenge season 22, week 3.

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Trigger Finger

Trigger finger or tenosynovitis is the condition in which pain and swelling occur in the fingers because it affects tendons and surrounding sheaths in the fingers. As shown through the name, in this condition, tendons get damaged and inflamed.


The common causes of trigger finger are below:

  • Overuse or repetitive use of the fingers
  • Sudden trauma or injury to the fingers
  • Can also occur in some diseases like gout, arthritis, and diabetes mellitus.
  • Can also occur in people with poor ergonomics or posture.


The common symptoms shown in trigger finger patients are:

  • Pain and tenderness on the affected finger, especially when performing movements like extension or flexion.
  • Sometimes swelling or redness if the tendon gets inflamed.
  • Feeling of clicking or locking sensation in the fingers.
  • Reduction in range of motion due to stiffness in the metacarpophalangeal joint or finger joint.

Stages of Trigger Finger

Pre-triggering Stage

  • In this stage there is no clicking sensations but there are pain and stiffness in the finger present.
    Triggering Stage
  • The patient will feel clicking or snapping sensation while performing range of motion on fingers like flexion, extension, abduction, adduction.
    Locking Stage
  • This the last and severe stage in which finger bent and stuck in that position. It can extend passively but still move back to bend position after straightening.


Trigger Finger diagnosis can be made by different methods, but commonly used are:

  • History taking about family, occupation, past medical, and surgical history.
  • A thorough physical examination by a physician or physical therapist.
  • X-ray, Ultrasound and MRI to assess, arthritis, and any tendon ruptures, respectively.
  • We will also perform NCS as sometime nerve is also involve in such condition.

Special Tests

In physiotherapy, we perform some special tests to confirm the diagnosis.

  1. Flick Test
  2. Notta's Test
  3. Trigger Test
  4. Tinel's Test ( modified)
  5. Phalen's Test ( modified)

Physical Therapy Intervention for Trigger Finger

Physical therapy interventions for trigger finger for days to weeks to regain normal range of motion or performing activities of daily living, and subside the symptoms. Here are a few exercise videos that you have to perform to treat trigger finger patients. Treatment protocols vary from patient to patient.

But the main thing is you have to evaluate the exact cause of trigger finger and it's stage as well because treatment protocol vary from stage to stage, whether it's due to overuse or trauma. We can treat this condition completely with physical therapy, but sometimes surgical intervention is required if further damage occurs to tendons.

Finger Extensor Strengthening

Extensors strengthening is important as in trigger finger hand grip loose and hand muscles become weak so their strengthening is required. Rubber band is the best choice to perform strengthening at home without any assistance.

Trigger Finger Stretch

Fingers stretching exercises are to improve the shortened muscles lengthened due to pain compensation. It also improves finger mobility and gripping ability. In trigger finger tendons damage restrict the ROM so stretching exercises are important. Also, hold each stretch position in the lesson for at least 5 to 10 seconds.

Tendon Glides

Just like stretches tendons glides are performed on the fingers to improve the length of tendon for pain compensation and inflammation. In this video, tendon glides are performed to improve mobility and flexibility.

Massage of Finger Joints

Massage is the good option of therapy as with massage the damage or triggered tendon will find space to move back to it's normal position but with continuous massage for days to weeks to get effective results. While massaging you will feel the bones or joints and massage to muscle and tendons above.

Apply a heating pad for 5 to 10 minutes. Also, do soft tissue mobilization before performing these exercises to reduce pain. Perform 5, 5 repetitions on the first week, then increase accordingly. These are the exercises for beginners as other exercises can by performed by professionals and experienced physiotherapist or gym trainer.

Homework Task
  • What's trigger finger? Write in your own words after getting knowledge from the lesson post. (Note: don't add special tests or investigations and detailed treatment in this question. Write the answer precisely).
  • How would you diagnose a trigger finger? Any clinical investigation or assessment tests?
  • Try to practice at least 3 exercises that you have learned from the lesson. Share images, gifs or videos while practicing preferably gifs or videos.
  • Share your review after performing these exercises either on yourself, healthy individual or patient.



  • You are free to post in any community.

  • All country members are allowed. You can write your post in any language.
    - Plagiarism will not be supported. Content should be free of AI. (Content must be steemexclusive).

  • The Title of the Post should be Steemit Learning Challenge-S22W3; Trigger Finger"

  • The tags are #pti-s22w3 (the main tag must be used in your post), #triggerfinger, and #physicaltherapy; others tags are like your country as Pakistan, club status as club100, and #steemexclusive.

  • Try to use your pictures, videos or git to represent homework tasks.

  • Mention my username @ashkhan in your participation post.

  • Invite your 3 friends to participate in our contest. Upvote and Redeem the contest post so that more users participate in this and upvote.

  • Share your participation link under the comment section of this post.

  • Share your post on Twitter by adding a little information about your post and a specific hashtag like physiotherapy, and share link on your post comment section.

  • Contest will start at 00:00 (UTC) Monday, 30th December 2024, and end at 23:59 (UTC) Sunday, 5th January 2025.

  • Subscribe to Steem Physio & Rehab to share your physical therapy related content there.


All 4 winners post will be rewarded by Sc01/Sc02.

Each week we would like all Teaching Teams to make a post announcing the 4 people who have produced the best responses to the assignments and challenges. The selection of the 4 should be based solely on the quality of their post. Number of comments is no longer a factor to be considered.



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