Drawing a lady wearing Steemit logo T-Shirt

in Steem Fashion&Style3 months ago

Assalamu'alaikum Everyone.
I am @zisha-hafiz , from #Bangladesh

Hello, all the fashionable ladies and gentlemen of this community. I wish all the Steemina are well and blessed by the grace of the Almighty. This platform gives me a lot that I can’t explain in words or can’t write. I am overwhelmed by getting the love and affection that I received from here. Thus I’m to represent a drawing as a token of my love for this renowned platform.

Drawing a lady wearing Steemit logo T-Shirt.jpg

Designed by Canva Pro

👩‍🎨 Drawing tools 🎨
🔲 A4 size White paper
🔲 Pencil - 4B
🔲 Eraser
🔲 Sharpner


💖 Step- 1 🥰


At the beginning of my drawing, I drew the head and hair shape of a lady.


I drew the floating hair shape here, and on top of her head, I made the shape of a hair bun.


💖 Step- 2 🥰


I drew the right-hand shape of the lady and also drew the t-shirt sleeve that the girl was wearing. On the lady’s wrist drew a watch.


At her waist, I drew a short pant shape. I drew the loophole of her wait and also drew a pocket on her right. I also drew her left hand which is half in her left pocket.


💖 Step- 3 🥰


In this third step, I drew her two legs, and on her legs drew the curved jeans lines.


Hereafter I drew her left arm which could be seen a little through her long hair.


💖 Step- 4 🥰


On the face shape of the girl I drew her two eyebrows, two eyes and a mask.


The renowned Steemit logo I drew in the middle of her t-shirt.


💖 Step- 5 🥰


In this step, I wrote the words "STEEMIT" under the logo.


I started sketching the drawing from here, first I sketched her right side hairs. I sketched her hair bun a little darker and also lightly sketched her hand. The wristwatch I darkly sketched.


💖 Step- 6 🥰


After that, I sketched her left-side hair. I also sketched the slight shown arm of her a little darker.


I lightly sketched the middle of her t-shirt and drew some vertical lines on the neck of the t-shirt. I darkly sketched the logo in her t-shirt.


💖 Step- 7 🥰


I wrote darkly the words "STEEMIT" and also lightly sketched the left hand. The edges of the hand sketched a little darker.


On the short on her, I lightly sketched and made some dots lines to the edges of the pocket and also around the zipper side. Also, at the end of her shorts, I also made some curved dotted lines.


💖 Step- 8 🥰


In this step, I darkly sketched the eyebrows, the eyelids, and also the eyelashes. The inner side of the eye I lightly sketched. I drew some floating hairs on her face.


👩‍🎨 End Step 🖼️


On this end step, I darkly sketched the mask that the girl was wearing on her face. In this way, I ended up sketching the girl.


📝 Final Result with my community & user name 🖼️


After completing my sketching I wrote my community name and my user name on the left side of my drawing. I also mention today’s date at the end.

In this drawing post, all the photos I have taken from my Samsung Galaxy A15 (5G) device and all these photos are exclusively taken only for this renowned #steemit platform.
Big Ending Banner for Steemit-3.gif