Stories, learnings and reflection #08-"judge for yourself."

in Steem Fashion&Style13 days ago

Hello Steemit friends,
How are you all? I hope you are all well by the grace of Allah. I am also fine by the grace of Allah.Today, I will participate in the new contest from Steem Fashion&Style brought by the honorable Moderator @alexanderpeace ma'am. The name of the Contest is "Stories, learnings and reflection #08." Thank you Steem Fashion&Style for bringing this beautiful contest to us.

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Story: -

At that time, I was 8-10 years old. We are five brothers. I am the youngest. Today's incident is about my elder brother and my father. The origin of the incident is about my elder brother. My brother went to play. Two groups were arguing about a game on the playground. At that time, one of the opposing team threw a stone or something like that. It fell just above my brother's eye. Blood started flowing from there. Everyone grabbed him and took him to the doctor. He needed a few stitches just above his eye.
My father ran to the doctor after getting the news. From there, he brought my brother home. When he got home, he calmly asked my brother what had happened on the playground.
My brother was very afraid of father. He knew that my father never liked to lie. And he did not tolerate lying. That is why my brother told the whole incident. He also said that at one point during the argument on the playground, he had used bad language earlier.
Hearing this, my father became restless with anger. He beat my brother a lot with a stick. Whether it was because of my father's beating or because of the pain in the playground, I had a lot of fever at night.


All my relatives came. Everyone demanded justice for this incident. The next day, justice was sought from the local public representative. People from both sides came. But my father did not go to seek justice with my brother. Finally, the public representative came to our house. He looked after my brother well. He assured my father that he would judge this incident fairly.
But my father frankly said that I do not want justice. And if justice has to be done, then my brother should be judged now because my brother has done wrong before everyone else. Everyone was surprised to see my father admit his mistake frankly. The trial ended there. This is my story.


My father always liked to judge himself. Father knew that my brother was hurt by someone’s son, everyone would blame him, everyone was ready to punish him. But in my father’s view was, my brother did the wrong thing first. That's why father punished my father and refused to punish the other party.
My father had the habit of judging himself. He believed that if you judge your own mistakes yourself, you don't need anyone else. I saw that he followed this principle all his life. That's why he had a good reputation in our village.


Education in my life: -

I follow this education of my father as my ideal in my life. I also try to judge myself. I try to understand my own mistakes myself. If there is any disagreement, I try to find my mistakes. As a result, good relations are maintained with family, society, friends and office colleagues. That is, I do not get into arguments with anyone. I try to follow my father's teachings to the letter. I would also request my Steemian friends to practice the teachings I received from my father. I hope you will also find peace in your family. Respect will also increase in society and among friends.


I would like to invite three of my friends:-


Thank you all of you for reading my post. I hope you will like my article. I am leaving today.
Allah Hafez.

